Search Results for: Italian Contemporary Film Festival

Celebrating Italian Cuisine Abroad Week with ICFF and L’Altra Italia

Celebrating Italian Cuisine Abroad Week with ICFF and L’Altra Italia

Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto (IIC)hosts “Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo (Italian Cuisine Abroad Week) in collaboration w/ Italian Contemporary Film Festival (ICFF) and L’Altra Italia. with Italian food Italian and screening of the Italian-Canadian film, From the Vine.

夠臭、夠騷!公館西西里克中東串燒餐館店騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點!Stinky Lamb, Shishlik Pita x Kebab Restaurant Taipei Gives youYour Middle Eastern Cuisine Fix

夠臭、夠騷!公館西西里克中東串燒餐館店騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點!Stinky Lamb, Shishlik Pita x Kebab Restaurant Taipei Gives youYour Middle Eastern Cuisine Fix

夠臭、夠騷!公館西西里克中東串燒餐館店騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點!Stinky Lamb, Shishlik Pita x Kebab Restaurant Taipei Gives youYour Middle Eastern Cuisine Fix 先看時尚超潮食記影片: (Scroll down for English / 英文版往下看) 夠臭、夠騷!中東料理騷味十足!殘編時尚高潮到最高點! 台灣吃羊不熱絡,因為不是每個人都能接受牠的味道。 台灣人思想保守,殊不知味覺也超保守!外國人以為我們吃「臭豆腐」、「雞睾丸」、甚至美國綜藝秀「挑戰恐懼/”誰敢來挑戰“」(Fear Factor) […]