Carrefour Taiwan’s VEGGIE burger patty Open Box Review

家樂福小麥菠菜艾曼塔松子餅」素漢堡肉開箱食記評價 / Carrefour Taiwan’s’s VEGGIE burger patty Open Box Review

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看)

    • 先看時尚高潮YT開箱試吃影片 Watch our Youtube Openbox & Mukbang Video First:

他能在 15 秒内灌完一整瓶啤酒、每天抽兩包菸、鴨仔蛋裡的小鴨越成型他越愛,一天能吃上好幾顆。??他是生意人,只要能從中獲利,他不會錯過任何機會,即便是如販毒等不道德、會危害到他人的各類生意。 他的工廠從來没有通過檢查。為了剝削客戶,我看他的成品在中國大陸貧民區與雞屎共存。一名開朗健談的女員工長時間在這種工作環境下犧牲了性命。

English version / 英文版:
He chugs a pint of beer in 15 seconds, smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, jumps on every opportunity as long as he profits off of it, even if it involves unethical activities that harm others like trafficking drugs. His factory never passes inspections. His hazardous work environment resulted in an employee’s death.

他習慣亂丟垃圾並強辯說他是在創造就業機會。 他知道業障終究會找上他。即便業障找不到他,他知道每天花天酒地的生活,終究會影響自己的健康。 算他幸運,多倫多最受歡迎的餐廳之一 E11even 就在他住的大廈的樓下。

English version / 英文版:
He litters and argues he’s doing good by creating jobs. He knows that karma will catch up with him eventually. If not karma, health. Luckily for him, one of Toronto‘s favourite restaurants, E11even, is just downstairs of his condo.

又煙又酒又毒又嫖,他知道即便不是全部,他總有一個器官會怒喊罷工。 所以他點了一份素食漢堡,想說這一會給他的身體靈魂做一次深層的淨化

English version / 英文版:
With all the drinking, smoking, and crack he does, he knows one of his organs, if not all, is eventually going to fail him some time. So he orders the vegetarian burger, thinking this one meal will give his body and soul a deep cleanse.

我不是素食主義者,但 E11even餐廳素食漢堡可不是開玩笑的。 上菜時就很吸睛了,讓我忍不住偷吃一口。 那是我第一次發現原來素食漢堡肉竟能做的比一般漢堡肉好吃。諷刺的是我竟與這號現代腐敗版仁君共餐、品嚐我生平第一塊素漢堡,讓我永生難忘。強烈對比下,素食贏得我格外的尊重。

English version / 英文版:
I’m not vegetarian, but E11even‘s veggie burger is no joke. Even I can’t help but steal a bite when the food is served. That’s when I first learned that veggie patties could be better than meat and when the vegetarian diet finally earned my respect.

年輕時,殘編曾數度嘗試吃素,但每次到最後都在家中昏倒。 最近殘家想再給素食一次機會, 因此在今天的開箱食記評價中,有一些我們從超市挖寶來的冷凍素食品。今天開箱的是家樂福自家品牌素漢堡肉餅Carrefour VEGGIE burger / 「家樂福小麥菠菜艾曼塔松子餅(植物五辛素)」:

English version / 英文版:
I’ve tried going vegetarian quite a few times but ended up fainting every time. We’ve been giving the vegetarian diet a try recently. So in today’s open box review are a couple of vegetarian burger patties we’ve picked up on our supermarket haul.

  • 家樂福小麥菠菜艾曼塔松子餅(植物五辛素)」素漢堡肉 / Carrefour VEGGIE burger Patty:

這是家樂福自有品牌蔬菜餡餅殘編吃遍全多倫多所有最好的頂尖餐廳。 大多都有提供素食漢堡,沒有一次讓人失望。 因此,殘編這次開箱,主要是想看看台灣素食漢堡是否可以達到多倫多的水平。

English version / 英文版:
The first one is Carrefour Taiwan‘s own private label veggie patty. I’ve tried all the best restaurants across Toronto. Many of them serve vegetarian burgers, and none of them disappoint. Hence, I want to see if the veggie burgers in Taiwan can measure up to the ones in Toronto.

家樂福的「家樂福小麥菠菜艾曼塔松子餅素漢堡肉是用小麥菠菜埃文達起司Emmental )製成。 一盒四裝、每塊素漢堡肉重 100 克,一盒僅售 $195元,真是太佛心啦!
盒子上的加熱說明烤箱要在 180°C 的溫度下烤 15 分鐘。殘編喜歡一點焦脆口感,所以擅自多加五分鐘,讓它更脆一些。 結果出爐是神聖的:家樂福小麥菠菜艾曼塔松子餅吃起來有豆香味,香脆可口

English version / 英文版:
Carrefour‘s VEGGIE burger patty is prepared with wheat, spinach and Emmental cheese. For just $195NT, Each box comes with four patties, each weighing 100g.
The instructions reads to bake in the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes. I gave it five more minutes to give it some more crispiness. The result is divine: beany, crispy and crunchy.

  • 時尚高潮家樂福小麥菠菜艾曼塔松子餅素漢堡肉開箱食記評價 / Carrefour’s VEGGIE burger patty Open Box Review in a Nutshell:

殘編個人覺得家樂福素漢堡肉餅密度可以高一點,口感應該會更紮實、更像肉。但是對沒看過素漢堡殘媽來說,這是她的初嚐素食漢堡,所以讚不絕口。回味無窮的她隔天還立刻衝到家樂福回購殘編邀請所有粉絲一起試試看,如果要吃素,這種口味很OK,是可以接受的。歡迎粉絲們留言區留言分享妳們的試吃感想,或推薦更多素食食品給我們 ❤️

English version / 英文版:
I personally think the patty can use more density to create a firmer texture. However, this is my mom’s virgin veggie burger, it blew her mind, and she only has good things to say about it. We made another trip for a second haul the next day. If you are also on the road to becoming a vegetarian, Carrefour‘s veggie burger patty is a nice start. The taste is beyond okay and easily acceptable even for a carnivore. You’re welcome to share your thoughts below in the comments or recommend other vegetarian foods!


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