Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Celebrities Strip Their Pants Off for Prostate Cancer 2014

Pants Off for Prostate Cancer 2014
Pants Off Party for Prostate Cancer 2014
In most cases, it could be everyone’s worst nightmare- you do your shirt, tie, jacket, shoes but forget to put on your pants when you head out to party! Yet, that’s exactly what the party scene was on the night of Thursday June 12, 2014 at the Hoxton in Toronto.

Presented by Bayer Inc. and benefiting Prostate Cancer Canada, Pants Off for Prostate Cancer brought out over 325 of young professional men (and women) to this hockey themed fundraiser. Founded in 2010, Pants Off for Prostate Cancer has raised over $330,000 to help support and fund research for those living with this disease, the most common cancer to affect Canadian men. This year’s event marked the most successful year by raising $80,000 in a single night.

“The ‘5-hole’ refers to the gap between a goalie’s legs,” says Rocco Rossi, President & CEO of Prostate Cancer Canada, The theme encourages men to protect their ‘5-hole’ through early detection of prostate cancer, a disease affecting every 1 in 7 Canadian men.

Olympians Kathleen Kauth and Jayna Hefford, TSN’s Gurdeep Ahluwalia, JUNO nominated musician Melanie Durrant, TV personality Mike Chalut, were some of the many celebrities who attended this year’s event.

“Hockey Fan” themed food including beef sliders, poutine and deep fried avocado (simply the best) were prepared by Parts & Labour chef, Matthew Matheson. Hockey ice sculptures, hockey memorabilia and hockey activities also played a fun part in this year’s Pants Off event.

For more information about Pants Off For Prostate Cancer, please visit:

(photos by Tanya)


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