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(中譯:殘編/ Chinese translation by Tanya)
Faulhaber Communications celebrated its 20th #FSHOPPE anniversary with its virtual event, which previewed exciting products available for Summer/Fall 2021.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Faulhaber Communications 今年透過網路虛擬慶祝其成立 20週年的 #FSHOPPE活動,該活動預覽展示 2021 年夏季與秋季推出的令人興奮的新產品。
Fidelity Denim (made in Vancouver since 2005) offers a stylish and comfortable line of jeans for men and women. For Fall, Fidelity has a variety of looks for men, including the Jimmy Empirical (slim straight), Torino Piston (slim) and Indie Verona (skinny). For women, there are Cher Salty (high rise slim), Jimi Freebird (boyfriend), Katie Luxe (classic high flare), Gwen Skyline (high rise skinny), Katie Cosmo(classic high flare), Twiggy Beckham(ultra-high straight ankle) and Harley Short Hollywood (retro bf short).
中文版 / Chinese version:
Fidelity Denim(自2005 年在溫哥華製造)為男士和女士提供時尚、舒適及超強修身的牛仔褲系列。 針對秋季,Fidelity 有多種男裝造型,包括 Jimmy Empirical(修身直筒)、Torino Piston(修身)和 Indie Verona(修身款式)。 女裝方面,有Cher Salty(高腰修身)Jimmy Empirical(男朋友)、Katie Luxe(經典高腰)、格溫天際線(高腰緊身)、凱蒂·科斯莫(經典高腰)、纖細貝克漢姆(超高直腳踝)和好萊塢哈雷短片(復古 bf 短片)。
Me Squad kids eyewear
We learned about Me Squad, a Toronto-based children’s eyewear line, where kids can design the glasses themselves. What a great idea! The glasses are fun, very flexible and can be created with cute charms.
中文版 / Chinese version:
透過這次虛擬線上活動,我們認識到多倫多的兒童眼鏡品牌系列 Me Squad,該系列讓孩子們可以自己設計眼鏡,是個能激發孩童想像力及創作力的好主意! 眼鏡很有創意、靈活,還可以製作成可愛的吊飾。
A perennial staple, SWATCH, has a new line called Big Bold Bioceramic. Bioceramic is made from ceramic and biosourced plastic derived from castor oil, making it environmentally friendly and innovative. It is available in five vibrant colours, and it is also so comfortable to wear.
中文版 / Chinese version:
經典品牌 SWATCH 推出了一系列名為 Big Bold Bioceramic 的新系列。 此「Bioceramic」(生物陶瓷)是由陶瓷和源自蓖麻油的生物來源塑料製成,頗為環保且具有創新性。其中 有五種充滿活力的顏色可供選擇。
Kate Austin is a Toronto designer who offers vibrant and original hand-printed designs in clothing, pillows, drapes and fabric. Her products are made using organic materials and are fair trade.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Kate Austin 是多倫多設計師,她在服裝、枕頭、窗簾和面料方面提供充滿活力的原創手工印花設計。 她的產品採用有機材料製成,屬於公平貿易。
Bed Bath & Beyond Home Products / Bed Bath & Beyond 家居用品:
Bed Bath & Beyond is well known across North America for its diverse product lines for the home.
Their Simply Essential line offers high quality at lower price points for bed, bath, kitchen and dining. Our Table has everything for the modern kitchen, such as dutch ovens, cutting boards, pots and pans, to name a few. Haven has spa-inspired essentials in robes, Turkish towels, bath mats, soap dispensers and shower curtains. Nestwell is a line of cozy and comfortable bedroom sheets and pillowcases to make sleeping more relaxing. Wild Sage has a global mindset with eclectic pieces for the home.
中文版 / Chinese version:
ed Bath & Beyond 以其多樣化的家居產品線而聞名北美。
他們的Simply Essential 系列以較低的價格為床、浴室、廚房和餐廳提供高品質商品。 Our Table系列擁有現代廚房所需的一切,例如荷蘭烤箱、砧板、鍋碗瓢盆等。 Haven系列以SPA為靈感而產出的連身浴袍、土耳其毛巾、浴墊、皂液器和浴簾等具有水療風格的必需品。 Nestwell 是一系列溫馨舒適的臥室床單和枕套,讓睡眠更輕鬆。 Wild Sage 擁有全球化思維,為家庭提供不拘一格的產品。
EOS is a favourite with their new flavour therapy from their flavour lab with scrumptious lip balms that are too tempting to eat. Exhale ( green apple tonic ), Chill (honey almond), Dream ( warm vanilla milk ) and Boost (mango melonade) are all made with sustainably sourced shea butter, coconut and jojoba oils to keep your lips super moist.
中文版 / Chinese version:
EOS為該活動的全場焦點之一, 其風味實驗室的新「風味療法」是全場的最愛,其美味的潤唇膏非常誘人。「 Exhale」(青蘋果汽水)、Chill(蜂蜜杏仁)、Dream(溫暖香草牛奶)和 Boost(芒果哈密瓜汁)均採用來源無虞的乳木果油、椰子油和荷荷巴油製成,可讓您的雙唇保持超級濕潤。
Ozonos is a filter-free air purifier, which is so much easier to use. It is quiet and can be used in the home or office. It is sustainably made and is very low maintenance since it uses light bulbs.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Ozonos 是一款無需過濾器的空氣清淨機,使用起來更加方便。 它很安靜,可以在家中或辦公室使用。 它是可持續製造的,因為它使用燈泡,維護成本非常低。
For dog owners, the Doggy Bathroom, made in Canada, is a unique dog litter box for small-medium dogs. The product is the perfect solution to the pee pads that pet owners have to contend with when they can’t get their dog outside, especially during tough times during the pandemic when we’re all trying to #StayHome. The Doggy Bathroom keeps your space so much cleaner too.
中文版 / Chinese version:
對於狗主人來說,加拿大製造的 Doggy Bathroom 是一款獨特的中小型犬使用的狗砂盆。 該產品讓寵物主人在無法將狗帶到戶外時,必須應對的尿墊完美解決方案。 Doggy Bathroom 也讓您的空間更清潔。尤其讚在防疫期間,養狗人士不可能不出門遛狗,有了這個狗狗專用室內廁所,就連狗爸媽都可以安心地跟狗兒子在家做防疫。
Charlotte Tilbury has a New Look of Love Collection for her outstanding makeup. It is all about romance with First Dance, Wedding Bells and Tinted Love.
中文版 / Chinese version:
夏洛特蒂爾伯里 (Charlotte Tilbury) 因其出色的妝容而推出 New Look of Love 系列。 其系列命名為《第一隻舞》(First Dance)、《婚禮鐘聲》(Wedding Bells)和《染色之愛》(Tinted Love),皆以浪漫作為靈感。
All of these items featured at at Faulhaber Communications‘ FSHOPPE 2021 will make the perfect addition to one’s home.
中文版 / Chinese version:
以上時尚高潮為您介紹的FSHOPPE 2021新商品,預計將完美充實您的家。
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