#StandwithUkraine – Ukrainian Day at Casa Loma

#StandwithUkraine – Ukrainian Day at Casa Loma Toronto / 多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡烏克蘭節為烏克蘭致敬支援

(中文版向下看 /Scroll down for Chinese version)

#StandwithUkraine - Ukrainian Day at Casa Loma
#StandwithUkraine – Ukrainian Day at Casa Loma /卡薩羅馬城堡烏克蘭節 (image courtesy of Casa Loma)

In response to #StandwithUkraine, Nick Di Donato, president and CEO of Liberty Entertainment Group, proclaimed Sunday, March 27, 2022, as Ukrainian Day at Toronto‘s Casa Loma.

中文版 / Chinese version:
最近俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭事件鬧得沸沸揚揚,作為對網路熱搜熱門標籤 「#StandwithUkraine 的回應,Liberty Entertainment Group集團的總裁兼執行長Nick Di Donato多倫多卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma) 宣布將2022年3月27日星期日稱為「烏克蘭日」。

“This event is a coming together of the Italian Canadian and Ukrainian Canadian communities in support of the people of Ukraine,” said Nick Di Donato, president and CEO of Liberty Group. “We’re both proud and honoured to help with aid during their time of extreme need by hosting our fundraiser and encouraging Torontonians to participate. We’re all deeply affected by this international humanitarian crisis, and we’re committed to assisting in whatever way we can.”

中文版 / Chinese version:
Liberty Group總裁兼執行長Nick Di Donato說「這次活動義大利裔加拿大人烏克蘭加拿大人社區聚集在一起支持烏克蘭人民活動。我們藉著舉辦這次的籌款活動鼓勵多倫多人一起參與,在他們極度需要的時候提供援助,我們備感自豪與榮幸。我們深受這場國際人道主義危機的影響,盡可能以任何方式提供支援幫助。」

The local community is invited to attend and will be joined by esteemed guests Peter Schturyn, president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress  – Toronto Branch(UCC Toronto), Ontario Premier, the Honourable Doug Ford, MP Eglinton-Lawrence, the Honourable Marco Mendicino and His Worship, The Mayor of Toronto, John Tory who will all be addressing guests at 12:30 pm. Casa Loma will be donating all funds raised from admissions to ed to Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal (www.cufoundation.ca) established by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF).

中文版 / Chinese version:
當地所有民眾應邀出席,屆時將有貴賓Peter Schturyn烏克蘭加拿大國會多倫多分會主席安大略省長Doug Ford 議員Eglinton-Lawrence 議員Marco Mendicino 議員多倫多市長莊德利 (John Tory) 將在下午 12:30 向來賓致詞卡薩羅馬城堡Casa Loma) 會將售出票所籌集資金捐贈烏克蘭加拿大國會 (UCC) 所創辦人道主義組織以及加拿大烏克蘭基金會 (CUF) (www.cufoundation.ca)。

Starting at 9:30 am, guests will experience the castle (and its breathtaking grounds) decorated to honour Ukraine and all Ukrainians. Live performances by the Kalyna Performing Arts Company will occur in the gardens’ glass pavilion at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. There will be booths selling Ukrainian crafts, a demonstration of the traditional Pysanka Easter eggs and an arts & crafts area for children to experience. The Festival Italiano TV show will do a live broadcast live from 12 – 2:00 pm. Guests can donate directly at the UCC info booth. There will also be a job fair, hosted by Canada Worker Trades, for newly arrived displaced persons, and information sessions will take place regarding immigration and the law.

中文版 / Chinese version:
從上午 9:30 開始,來賓體驗特別為烏克蘭烏克蘭人重新裝飾的卡薩羅馬城堡(及其令人嘆為觀止的場地)。 Kalyna 表演藝術公司(Kalyna Performing Arts Company)的現場表演將於上午 11:00、下午 1:00 和下午 3:00 在城堡花園的玻璃涼亭舉行城堡也設有出售烏克蘭手工藝品攤位,以及兒童親自體驗烏克蘭傳統復活節彩蛋Pysanka)和手工藝品教學示範區。 Festival Italiano電視節目將於 中午12 點至下午 2:00 進行現場直播客人可以直接在 UCC 諮詢臺捐款。 「Canada Worker Trades」也將為新抵達的流離失所者舉辦招聘會,並舉行移民法律的相關訊息發布會。

  • How to Purchase Tickets to #StandwithUkraine – Ukrainian Day at Casa Loma / 卡薩羅馬城堡「烏克蘭日」特別活動購票資訊:

    General Admission tickets to the castle are on sale now at http://www.casaloma.ca and are $20 children/$30 adult per person.

中文版 / Chinese version:
卡薩羅馬城堡的「烏克蘭日特別活動普通門票票價為兒童每人 $20 加幣,成人 每位$30 元加幣。欲購買門票請至卡薩羅馬城堡官網(http://www.casaloma.ca) 購買


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