An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章

An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章

An Introduction to French Cuisine and its History – 2 / 法國料理的介紹及歷史演變 -第2章
How did Italian Cuisine influence French Cuisine? /義大利料理是如何影響法國料理的?
The start of the French course menu and its order / 法國料理多道菜套餐起源以及上菜順序
What is a Cordon Bleu? / • 什麼是法國料理中的「藍帶(Cordon Bleu)」?
Where does the word “Restaurant” come from? /「Restaurant」(餐廳)一詞是怎麼來的?
Who Discovered the Soup? / 是誰發明「湯」(SOUP)?

台南人氣老店「幸福豆花」北漂淡水「豆豆屋」/ Tainan’s Famous Tofu Pudding (Douhua) Restaurant relocates to Dou Dou Wu in Tamsui

台南人氣老店「幸福豆花」北漂淡水「豆豆屋」/ Tainan’s Famous Tofu Pudding (Douhua) Restaurant relocates to Dou Dou Wu in Tamsui

在家防疫,依然吃得到台南台南人氣老店「幸福豆花」北漂淡水「豆豆屋」美食: / Enjoy Tainan’s Specialty from Dou Dou Wu in Tamsui, New Taipei City While Staying Safe at Home

路境行旅 – 魔幻森林旅館、泡麵零食免費吃,親子遊樂的好住宿 / Finders Hotel Taipei – A Forest Wonderland with Freee Snacks, Instant Noodles and Children’s Playroom Paradise

路境行旅 – 魔幻森林旅館、泡麵零食免費吃,親子遊樂的好住宿 / Finders Hotel Taipei – A Forest Wonderland with Freee Snacks, Instant Noodles and Children’s Playroom Paradise

路境行旅 – 魔幻森林旅館、泡麵零食免費吃,親子遊樂的好住宿 / Finders Hotel Taipei – A Forest Wonderland with Freee Snacks, Instant Noodles and Children’s Playroom Paradise

時尚高潮食記:叁和院台北忠孝店超時尚好拍特色台灣料理:Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant Zhongxiao Taipei Location

時尚高潮食記:叁和院台北忠孝店超時尚好拍特色台灣料理:Sanhoyan Taiwanese Restaurant Zhongxiao Taipei Location

(Scroll down for English version/英文版往下看) 入選2018 OpenRice百大心水餐廳,以及在2017 & 2018台灣滷肉飯節嚴選店家中獲得殊榮的叁和院台北忠孝店的特色台灣料理,早已列入殘編的口袋名單。吸引我的是,它們不只能餵飽我的無底洞肚子,還能餵飽我的好朋友-手機。餵飽手機的是完美的創意擺盤,尤其是那道能凸顯台灣特色、做成台灣形狀的「台灣經典炒飯」。於是殘編決定將這次的時尚高潮VIP餐會就辦在能讓貴賓品嚐在地料理特色的叁和院 。 先看影片: (English version/英文版): Selected as one of Open Rice’s top 100 Restaurant, and winning an […]