殘媽小窗 : 關渡醫院繞一圈 -充滿鄉下傳統人情味,不一樣的台北 A Tour Around Taipei Municipal Gan-Dau ( Guandu) Hospital, Beitou – Where Traditional Taiwanese Friendliness Remains

殘媽小窗 : 關渡醫院繞一圈 -充滿鄉下傳統人情味,不一樣的台北 A Tour Around Taipei Municipal Gan-Dau ( Guandu) Hospital, Beitou – Where Traditional Taiwanese Friendliness Remains

時尚高潮殘媽殘編遊關渡醫院周遭一圈-充滿鄉下傳統人情味不一樣的台北 A Tour Around Taipei Gan-Dau ( Guandu ) Hospital, Beitou, where local Traditional Taiwanese street food, markets and friendliness remains

時尚高潮食記:台北天母溫德德式烘培坊與啤酒花園餐廳 / Wendel’s German Bakery & Bistro – An Authentic German Restaurant with a Beer Garden in Tianmu, Taipei

時尚高潮食記:台北天母溫德德式烘培坊與啤酒花園餐廳 / Wendel’s German Bakery & Bistro – An Authentic German Restaurant with a Beer Garden in Tianmu, Taipei

溫德德式烘焙坊 &啤酒花園餐廳 – 台北天母 將傳統德式烘焙、德國料理餐廳與啤酒花園一起帶入台北天母,人在台的德國人也能回家鄉的感覺,不用再千里迢迢跑去德國,直接在台北開「德國啤酒節」狂歡!