麗緻餐旅集團亞緻餐飲米其林星級餐廳天香樓天香小食綜合五入組外送套餐開箱評價 / Liz Dining Group’s Michelin- starred restaurant, Tien Hsiang Lo 5-Course Delivery Set Meal Open Box Review
Since I’m Still practicing social Distancing at home. Here’s an Aladdin’s “A Whole New World’ song with COVID-19 lyrics version that was rewritten by me, I’m tone-deaf so enjoy watching my voice crack!
然殘編還在家裡防疫進行「社交距離」。這週將迪士尼阿拉丁中我最愛的主題曲「A Whole New World」的歌詞重寫的COVID-19時尚高潮KUSO版本,我是音癡,如果我的破音&五音不全有讓你笑
How to stay home and still live life to the fullest no matter what your interests and hobbies are – A COVID-19 #StayHome hack for all /
Staying home #StayHome can be tremendously self-fulfilling. Try it; you may surprise yourself. Please, don’t be one of those bad apples, murderer! 待在家裡其實不難,殘編就意外的自我成長了不少。您不妨一試,也許也能跟我一樣受益良多。求求大家,不要成為老鼠屎、兇手! 跟殘編一起為Sophon和她的家人哀悼。
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