Toronto’s largest zombie haunted house, “Zombie Apocalypse,” just in time for Halloween 2022! 多倫多2022年萬聖節最大的殭屍鬼屋:「Zombie Apocalypse」!

Toronto’s largest zombie haunted house, “Zombie Apocalypse,” just in time for Halloween 2022! 多倫多2022年萬聖節最大的殭屍鬼屋:「Zombie Apocalypse」!

(中文版向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version)

(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya)

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The world-famous pharmaceutical company Biolux created the eagerly awaited wonder drug, the Biolux Serum, that allows people to live forever… It would revolutionize the world so people would no longer suffer from ailments. That’s where the fun begins when you enter Zombie Apocalypse((co-presented by Secret City Adventures) Because something went really wrong once people started taking this drug. It turned them into zombies!!!!

中文版 / Chinese version:
世界著名的製藥公司 Biolux 創造了人們期待已久的神奇藥物 「Biolux Serum」精華液,據說這款可以讓人們長生不老,這將徹底改變世界,讓人們不再遭受疾病的折磨。當您踏入這場名為「 Zombie Apocalypse殭屍啟示錄)」時,探險樂趣就從這裡開始。此活動由「Secret City Adventures」 共同舉辦。一旦人們開始服用這種藥物,真正的問題就出現了。它要將人們變成嗜血殭屍

Walking into the Biolux labs, you have to fend off these
cannibalizing contagious zombies and then battling against the maniacal scientists and the zombies ready to infect and transform you into one of them.
We started walking through the darkness of the Biolux building to get to safety. We were approached by vile-looking zombies who were ready to infect us. There was so much blood and gore and lots of disgusting experiments. Screams were everywhere, and the zombies kept following us. It felt like we were playing hide and seek in a way.

中文版 / Chinese version:
走進 「Biolux實驗室探險者必須準備避開這些食人、具有傳染性的殭屍,然後與瘋狂科學家和準備讓您感染並變成他們其中之一的殭屍作戰。為了逃命,我們穿過黑暗的「Biolux」大樓以便到達安全地點。然後看起來邪惡、準備讓我們感染殭屍開始接近我們。這區有太多的鮮血血腥的畫面,以及許多令人作嘔實驗。到處都是尖叫聲,殭屍一直尾隨著我們,某種程度上感覺像我們在玩捉迷藏

We saw the devastation and kept worrying about what would come next. The forest was ultra scary, and we had to crouch down to get through this small entranceway.
Luckily all of our group made it through to the end, and we survived the Zombie Apocalypse. But the question remains… will you?

中文版 / Chinese version:

Zombie Apocalypse runs until Oct 31, 2022, in Toronto at 175 Kendal Avenue, on the Southeast Corner of Kendal Avenue and Davenport Road.
Paid parking is available at George Brown College, south of Casa Loma, off Macpherson Avenue; limited paid parking onsite at Casa Loma is subject to availability.
Tickets are available for purchase at: at $50, and a fantastic deal of $85 in combination with Legends of Horror, another thrill seeker‘s event, which we reviewed last time!

中文版 / Chinese version:
Zombie Apocalypse活動將持續舉辦至2022年10月31 日,地點位於多倫多 Kendal Avenue 175 號,位於 Kendal AvenueDavenport Road 的東南角。
位於多倫多卡薩洛馬城堡以南、「Macpherson Avenue」大道旁的喬治布朗學院(George Brown College)有提供付費停車服務; 卡薩洛馬城堡內的也有限量付費停車位。
門票可至以下網址購買:,價格為 $50加幣,與上次時尚高潮介紹過的「Legends of Horror恐怖傳說)」門票一起購買則享有$85加幣的超值優惠組合。


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