Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

World Centric’s Eco Social Environmentalism Event

World Centric’s Eco Social Event – An Educational Discussion on How Businesses Reduce Waste, Eliminate Plastic & Environmentalism /

World Centric的 Eco Social活動-商業如何減少廢氣污染,停用塑膠和環保主義的教育性討論

(translation by Tanya / 中譯:殘編)

Eco Social by World Centric #EcoSocialToronto

Eco Social by World Centric #EcoSocialToronto

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version)

On Feb 29, we attended the Eco Social event, hosted by World Centric. This unique event featured an engaging discussion on environmentalism with Todd West of World Centric, Michelle Genttner of Unboxed Market, and Candice Batista of Eco Hub.

  • 中文版/ Chinese version:
    2月29日,時尚高潮受邀參加由World Centric主辦名為「Eco Social」的活動。 活動由 World CentricTodd WestUnboxed MarketMichelle GenttnerEco HubCandice Batista主持並進行讓在場來賓都熱烈參與有關環保議題的討論。


  • 100%compostable tableware / 100%可堆肥餐具(可分解餐具):

The evening started with a range of delicious vegetarian bites from The Fix & Co. and from Fresh. We got a chance to use World Centric‘s certified compostable tableware (cutlery and plates), which come from plant-based materials. Even the coffee cups were 100% compostable, so no trees were harmed in the manufacturing of them. That’s genuinely guilt-free eating!

中文版/ Chinese version:
當晚上我們品嚐The Fix&Co.Fresh所提供的一系列美味素食小吃、體驗使用World Centric認證的100%可堆肥餐具(友善地球的可分解餐具),包括餐具和盤子,這些餐具均使用天然植物中萃取植物為材料,也就是說均為100%生物可分解材料,就連咖啡杯也是100%可堆肥的,因此在生產過程中並沒有傷害任何樹木, 完全是沒罪惡感的無業障飲食!

  • World Centric – a B Corp, sustainable company / World Centric: 一家可持續性的「B型企業」

Todd West started the talk, explaining that World Centric is a B Corp, sustainable company. Their mandate is to manufacture their 250+ product line of foodservice items using only plant-based materials, so all of their products are 100% compostable. Being fully compostable means that it completely breaks down into healthy soil within 3-6 months in a commercial facility. Compostables also require less energy to manufacture. Todd noted that there are several commercial compost facilities in Ontario.

中文版/ Chinese version:
Todd West在演講開場時為大家解釋World Centric是一家可持續性的「B型企業」。B型公司簡單來說就是會將盈利跟環境友善、社區照顧等各種社會議題做衡量、評估的良心企業。 他們的任務是僅使用植物材料製造出250多種餐飲服務的產品線,因此所有產品都是100%可堆肥分解的。 完全可堆肥表示者些產品可以在3到6個月內完全分解成為健康的土壤,製造過程所需的能量也相對少得多。 Todd並指出,安大略省已有一些可堆肥的商業設施。

  • World Centric has been set up to have zero carbon imprint. They also

annually donate 25% of their profits to a variety of social and environmental projects around the world and give 20% discounts to schools and non-profits. They aim to be a zero-waste office and are a current member of the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council.

中文版/ Chinese version:
World Centric成立零碳污染組織,每年還將其組織利潤的25%捐贈給世界各地的各種有助於社會和環境的計畫案,並提供20%的折扣給學校和非盈利組織。 他們的目標是成為零污染的工作環境,並也是U.S. Zero Waste Business Council (美國零浪費商務委員會)的現任成員。

  • Candice Batista: environmental journalist / 環保記者Candice Batista:

Following Todd, Candice Batista shared her thoughts on the topic. She has been an environmental journalist for many years and is the national eco expert for The Marilyn Denis Show. Her lifestyle website, The Eco Hub (, covers sustainability in beauty, fashion, wellness, food, travel, and living a zero-waste life. To her, it’s essential to be mindful and to understand the impact your choices make. For example, a radio starts with the extraction of the raw materials, production, distribution, consumption, and, ultimately, disposal. In scenarios like this, much energy is wasted along the chain. The disposable of the radio also adds more to landfills. People need to consider these factors before deciding to purchase any product.

中文版/ Chinese version:
Todd之後,Candice Batista分享了她對該議題的看法。 她擔任環保記者已有數年,並為The Marilyn Denis Show電視節目的國家級生態專家。 她的網站「The Eco Hub」宣揚美容時尚、健康、飲食、和旅行的零廢棄,以及可持續性的生活方式。 對她而言,消費者在選擇商品時,重視並了解商品的生產線以及對環境所造成的影響非常重要。 打個比方,一台收音機從原材料的選擇、生產、分配、消耗到最終的廢棄處置,浪費了非常多能量。 消費者在決定購買任何產品之前,應對其生產線慎思。


  • Unboxed Market: Toronto’s first zero-waste grocery store / 多倫多第一家零廢棄超商Unboxed Market:

The final speaker was Michelle Genttner of Unboxed Market, which is Toronto‘s first zero-waste grocery store. She discussed her roots coming from a farming family and being conscious of how food items are produced. After doing much research, Michelle and her partner saw that Quebec and BC had several zero-waste stores, but Ontario had none. Thus the Unboxed Market was born in February 2019. They believe that there is no reason to have all the food waste that Ontario presently has.

中文版/ Chinese version:

最後一位演講者是多倫多第一家零廢棄超商Unboxed MarketMichelle Genttner。 她分享她因來自農家而能了解食品的生產方式。 經過一番認真研究後,Michelle和她的合作夥伴發現魁北克哥倫比亞省BC)早有數家零廢棄商店,而安大略當時卻還沒有。 因此,Unboxed Market就此誕生於2019年的2月。他們認為安大略省沒有理由製造當時食物所製造出的廢棄物。

  • At the Unboxed Market, customers bring in their own clean containers or

can pay a deposit and use theirs. Food is weighed, and people are charged (minus the weight of the containers). They have everything that one usually purchases from a typical grocery store. They source local produce only. It’s a one-stop shopping experience. Her focus is on the “Rs” of sustainable life: reduce, reuse, recycle, return, respect, relate, replenish, remediate, recover, rot, responsibility, realize, reflect, rethink.

Unboxed Market's "Rs" of sustainable life: reduce, reuse, recycle, return, respect, relate, replenish, remediate, recover, rot, responsibility, realize, reflect, rethink

Unboxed Market’s “Rs” of sustainable life: reduce, reuse, recycle, return, respect, relate, replenish, remediate, recover, rot, responsibility, realize, reflect, rethink

中文版/ Chinese version:
在Unboxed Market商店中,客人可以自己攜帶乾淨的容器或付定金使用他們提供的容器,廠商將消費者所購買的食物秤重後再減去容器重量的秤種方式計費。 一般超商能買到的東西他們都有,並採當地本土的原材料,讓消費者能享受不一樣的一站式購物經驗。 她的重點是可持續生活的幾個「R」關鍵字:「減少」 (reduce)、「重複使用」(reuse)、「回收」 (recycle)、「返回」 (return)、「尊重」 (respect)、「理解」 (relate)、「補充 / 續杯」(replenish)、「補救」 (remediate)、「恢復」(recover)、「腐爛」(rot)、「責任」(responsibility)、「實現」(realize)「覺悟」(reflect)、以及「再思」(rethink)。

World Centric‘s Eco Social ( #EcoSocialToronto ) was an excellent discussion for an era where all parts of the world are growing more eco-conscious and banning plastic. Showing how all of us can make easily make a difference and shift away from plastics to sustainable products.

中文版/ Chinese version:
在這個世界各地越來越注重環保並開始禁止使用塑膠的時代,這次Word CentricEco Social #EcoSocialToronto演講讓我們受益良多,大家也學會如何能夠輕鬆地拋開塑膠、改用可持續產品


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