Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Cosmopolitan Hotel Toronto’s Eight Wine Bar Now Serves Versay Wine on Tap!

Cosmopolitan Hotel Toronto by the Skyline Hotel & Resorts was the first hotel in Ontario to launch Versay wine on tap. Guests now can enjoy quality wine by glass at Eight Wine Bar, the hotel’s intimate bar & lounge. We had the chance to attend their media preview to taste a selection of four distinct wines, each known for their diverse palate including a Vineland Cabernet, a Vineland Pinot Meunier, a Gazerra Pinot Grigio, and a Vineland Unoaked Chardonnay.Cosmopolitan Hotel Eight Wine Bar Versay wine on tap Launch

Guests can choose to enjoy as little or as much of the tap wines served at the Eight Wine Bar, starting at $2 an ounce. No more spending big bucks to be wine snobs!

Other advantages of tap wines include the freshness, perfect temperature, and waste elimination.

The bar served delicious hors d’oeuvres from their new sharing menu prepared by Chef Shane Straiko. The Pinot Grigio paired perfectly with the lobster sandwich and the Cabernet complemented the lamb kebab spring rolls. A selection of fine cheeses was also available to pair with the wines, including an English porter cheddar, an apple wood smoked cheddar, a Danish bleu cheese, a Quebec goat cheese, and a parmesan reggiano.

For more information, please visit:
Cosmopolitan Hotel or Eight Wine

(photos by Tanya)

Eight Wine Bar on Urbanspoon

Cosmopolitan Hotel Toronto‘s Eight Wine Bar new menu and Versay wine on tap launch! just in time for summerlicious!


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