Archives for Wine & Champagne

Wine & Champagne

Vini Ventures – A Safe, Online Guided Wine Tasting Experience. Staying Safe At Home Doesn’t Have To Be Boring Anymore! / Vini Ventures,一個在家防疫也能放鬆自己的線上指導品酒會。 誰說疫情期在家一定悶?

Vini Ventures - A Safe, Online Guided Wine Tasting Experience. Staying Safe At Home Doesn't Have To Be Boring Anymore! / Vini Ventures,一個在家防疫也能放鬆自己的線上指導品酒會。 誰說疫情期在家一定悶? (中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese…
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Wine & Champagne

Casablanca – Toronto’s themed Supper Club Champagne Bar – 多倫多最新北非諜影主題餐酒館香檳酒吧

Casablanca - Toronto's themed Supper Club Champagne Bar - 多倫多最新北非諜影主題餐酒館香檳酒吧 (中文版向下看 /scroll down for Chinese version) ㄗㄨ, and Fashion Ecstasy had the utmost pleasure to be invited to the grand…
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Architecture & Interior

KARE Design Toronto x Wines of Germany Pop-Up Wine Tasting 即日起至七月底多倫多KARE室內設計將在店內免費提供德國葡萄酒品酒會

Wines of Germany Pop-Up Wine Tastings at KARE Design Toronto 即日起至七月底多倫多KARE室內設計將在店內免費提供德國葡萄酒品酒會! From now until the end of July 2019, KARE Design Toronto and Wines of Germany will be hosting a…
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台北文華東方五星旅館青隅超奢華香檳下午茶 – The Jade Lounge at Mandarin Oriental Luxury Hotel Taipei Champagne Afternoon Tea Review

(Scroll down for English/ 英文版向下看) 台北文華東方五星旅館青隅超奢華香檳下午茶 - The Jade Lounge at Mandarin Oriental Luxury Hotel Taipei Champagne Afternoon Tea Review 殘編上次造訪文華東方的 Jade Lounge (青隅)正好是他們跟法國甜點米其林名廚 Gregory Doyen和知名保養品牌 La Prairie 合作,一起推出的鑽白魚子下午茶饗宴,還很榮幸的見到 Doyen大廚,並跟他本人交談。 奢華的裝潢、美味爆表的餐點,那次完美的經驗令我念念不忘,轉眼間過了一年,「青隅」水準仍然不變!做出了我生平吃過最好吃的下午茶!…
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