Archives for Film/Movies


Knights of the Zodiac: An Enthralling Cinematic Experience / 《聖鬥士星矢》 – 引人入勝的電影體驗

Knights of the Zodiac: An Enthralling Cinematic Experience (欲看中文版請向下滑/ Scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya Hsu) Knights of the Zodiac: An Enthralling Cinematic Experience…
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A Rollicking Review: Bert Kreischer’s ‘The Machine’ – Comedy, Adventure, and Heartfelt Moments

A Rollicking Review: Bert Kreischer's 'The Machine' – Comedy, Adventure, and Heartfelt Moments (scroll to the bottom for image gallery) (此文為英文版電影賞析評價,欲看中文版評價文請點以下連結🔗 / This review is in English; for the review…
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時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer)

時尚高潮與獲獎製片家羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman) 獨家採訪:關於他的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(The Soul of a Farmer) This post was originally posted in English at the link below / 這篇文章原文為英文,欲看英文版請點以下連結: (Chinese translation by Tanya / 中譯:殘編) 羅傑·謝爾曼 (Roger Sherman)的獲獎紀錄片《農民的靈魂》(…
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ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)’s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place’s Trillium Park

ICFF (Italian Contemporary Film Festival)'s 10th Anniversary Open Air Cinema at Ontario Place's Trillium Park / ICFF意大利當代電影節在安大略廣場的Trillium Park公園舉辦露天電影院慶祝10週年 中文版向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese version: (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya…
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We are giving away tickets to the upcoming Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival – Septet: The Story of Hong Kong/ 時尚高潮大放送 – Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival汽車電影節票 邀您一起觀賞香港知名導演攜手合拍的《七人樂隊》

We are giving away 1 car spot ticket to the upcoming Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival - Septet: The Story of Hong Kong/ 時尚高潮大放送 - Lavazza Drive-In Film Festival汽車電影節票 邀您一起觀賞香港知名導演攜手合拍的《七人樂隊》 (中文版向下看…
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多倫多2021年第31屆INSIDE OUT 2SLGBTQ +(同性戀、跨性別、變性及不確定性向等非異性戀者)電影節 – Part 2

多倫多2021年第31屆INSIDE OUT 2SLGBTQ +(同性戀、跨性別、變性及不確定性向等非異性戀者)電影節 - Part 2 (This post was originally posted in English, For English Version, please click on the link below / 此文原版為英文,英文版請點以下連結): 此篇為續篇(Part 2), 欲看Part 1請點以下連結: 短片:「長話短說」系列…
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2021年加拿大INSIDE OUT 2SLGBTQ +(同性戀、跨性別、變性及不確定性向等非異性戀者)電影節精選部國際LGBTQ影片

Upcoming Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival 2021 Goes Virtual, Just as Exciting! 2021多倫多Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+電影節數位化更精彩 (中文版看這邊 / For Chinese version, clicke on the link below:) (images in this post may…
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first Black Female Director  Euzhan Palcy tackles difficult political subjects and paves the way for black female filmmakers during TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) / TIFF多倫多國際電影節與第一位榮獲多項獎項的黑人女性電影製片人尤桑·巴爾琪的精彩企劃

first Black Female Director Euzhan Palcy tackles difficult political subjects and paves the way for black female filmmakers during TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) / TIFF多倫多國際電影節與第一位榮獲多項獎項的黑人女性電影製片人尤桑·巴爾琪的精彩企劃 (中文向下看 / Scroll down for Chinese…
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