Archives for Charity Galas

Charity Galas

Dragon Ball 2024 – Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation / 2024 年頤康《龍宴》晚會解決老齡化社會的可怕危機和對老年人護理的迫切需求

Dragon Ball 2024 - Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation / 2024 年頤康《龍宴》晚會解決老齡化社會的可怕危機和對老年人護理的迫切需求 (欲看中文版請向下滑 / Scroll down for the Chinese version) (中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation by Tanya Hsu) (Scroll down for…
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Charity Galas

2023年「月光晚宴(Moonlight Gala 2023」慈善募款活動勇奪成功,籌得超過$630,000加元善款,將全數捐贈給位於克萊因堡的麥克邁克爾加拿大藝術收藏館

2023年「月光晚宴(Moonlight Gala 2023」慈善募款活動勇奪成功,籌得超過$630,000加元善款,將全數捐贈給位於克萊因堡的麥克邁克爾加拿大藝術收藏館 (photos by Mala Chatargun) (This post is in Chinese; for the English version, please click on the link below / 此文為中文版,欲看英文版部落請點以下連結): 先看時尚高潮YT影片: 活動概述 2023 年「Moonlight Gala」慈善募款晚宴圓滿成功,募款超過 $630,000…
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Charity Galas

Moonlight Gala 2023 – A Resounding Success Supporting the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario

Moonlight Gala 2023: A Resounding Success Supporting the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario (scroll to the bottom for images) (This post is in Chinese; for the English version,…
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Moonlight Gala 2022 in Support of the Mcmichael Canadian Art Foundation, the Only Major Museum in the Country Devoted Exclusively to Canadian Art / 2022 年Moonlight Gala 募款晚宴- 支持 McMichael Canadian Art Foundation藝術基金會,加拿大唯一一間專門獻給加拿大藝術的大型藝術博物館

Moonlight Gala 2022 in Support of the Mcmichael Canadian Art Foundation, the Only Major Museum in the Country Devoted Exclusively to Canadian Art / 2022 年Moonlight Gala 募款晚宴- 支持 McMichael…
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Charity Galas

Against the Grain New Year’s Eve Party on the Waterfront In Support of after Breast Cancer, bringing hope for breast cancer surivors in the 2020 new year! / 多倫多Against the Grain after Breast Cancer乳癌慈善機構湖景跨年派對,為所有乳癌病患在2020新年帶來新希望

Against the Grain New Year’s Eve Party on the Waterfront In Support of after Breast Cancer, bringing hope for breast cancer surivors in the 2020 new year! / 多倫多Against the…
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Charity Galas

TCRC Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto  Fundraiser for Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto  Fundraiser at TCRC in Support of CRC – the Regent Community Food Centre – 多倫多第三屆Street Eats Fest年度籌款活動於支持CRC協助Regent Community Food Centre攝政社區食品中心為Regent Park和downtown 東區的低收入戶提供服務

TCRC Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto Fundraiser for Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto Fundraiser at TCRC in Support of CRC – the Regent Community Food Centre…
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Charity Galas

Eat to the Beat 2019 in Support of Canadian Cancer Society’s programs for breast cancer / 年度公益美食活動Eat to the Beat 2019以支持加拿大癌症協會乳癌計劃:

Eat to the Beat 2019 in Support of Canadian Cancer Society's programs for breast cancer / 年度公益美食活動Eat to the Beat 2019以支持加拿大癌症協會乳癌計劃: (中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version) Eat to the Beat…
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