TCRC Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto Fundraiser for Street Eats Fest 2019– Regent Park, Toronto Fundraiser at TCRC in Support of CRC – the Regent Community Food Centre at TCRC

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40 Oak Street was filled with warmth on November 27 when the 3rd annual Street Eats fundraiser event took place. The fundraiser supporting the TCRC ( Regent Park Community Food Centre).

The Regent Park Community Food Centre delivers services for low-income people in Regent Park and the east downtown area.

中文版 / Chinese version:

多倫多第三屆的年度Street Eats Fest 籌款活動於11月27日在40 Oak Street舉行,活動中充滿溫馨及熱情。此慕款活動支持CRC協助Regent Community Food Centre攝政社區食品中心為Regent Park和downtown 東區的低收入戶提供服務。

  • The building provides housing for 100 tenants, healthy meals, cooking

programs, allotment gardens, and drop-in services plus more. An essential part of the community. Street Eats 2019 was a time to support these critical services.

中文版 / Chinese version:

該建築可收容100位住戶、提供健康餐點、烹飪客程、公共花園和以及其他免費服務,是社區中不可或缺的重要組織。 Street Eats 2019責是支持這些服務的關鍵時刻。

  • Guests who’d purchased tickets sampled delicious gourmet street food

from many countries representing Toronto. Each food booth was from a different restaurant and different Chefs. All were enthusiastic and supportive of the cause. The street food was delicious!

中文版 / Chinese version:

購票入場的貴賓門品嚐從世界各國帶來具多倫多代表的美味街頭小吃美食。 每個攤位都來自不同的餐廳和不同的大廚。 在場所有人都對該活動充滿熱情和支持,在親眼目睹大家的熱情與愛心同時品嚐這些料理,讓這冬季的街頭美食多了暖心的美味!

  • Entertainment was fantastic, starting with a folk group, then the

Indigenous duet Dakota MyranToronto Council Fire and finally, the group Loading Zone got everyone up and dancing to the top 40 songs.

中文版 / Chinese version:

此活動在嘉賓享受吃喝之餘,也不忘提供絕佳的娛樂。主辦單位邀請來不同的歌手樂隊幫來賓助興,最後是Loading Zone樂團所演奏的前40歌曲排行榜讓大家都忍不住地跳起舞來。

  • The room with large windows was beautifully set up to allow circulation to the food booths, watch the bands, have a drink from the bar, learn about the Regent Community Centre and chat with friends. Guests got to sample Aloo Chat, squash cake muffins, smoked trout, mushroom hand roll, polenta fries, smoked duck skewers Trinidadian doubles. Food was washed down with a selection of beers, Magnotta wines and Starbucks coffee.

中文版 / Chinese version:

場地有一間佈置精美並有大窗戶的房間,可讓嘉賓從室內觀賞美食攤位的運作及樂隊演奏,或在吧檯喝一杯,了解Regent社區中心的相關資料以及與新舊朋友聊天。 客人可以品嚐Aloo Chat,南瓜馬芬、煙燻鱒魚、蘑菇捲、玉米薯條、煙燻鴨串和特立尼達特色小吃。 食物有各種啤酒、Magnotta葡萄酒和Starbucks咖啡配。

  • The food was delicious, and the atmosphere pleasant. CBC reporter Talia Ricci was one of the guests hosting. She helped auction off a Raptors package, including #9 jersey, Raptors basketball game tickets, which included meeting Serge Ibaka to have jersey signed! Also, a generous cheque from Equitable Bank for $100,000 was presented!

中文版 / Chinese version:

除了食物美味、氣氛宜人外,現場也請來CBC記者Talia Ricci主持協助拍賣。Talia幫忙賣出的物品包含暴龍隊(Raptors)驚喜包,此超值包包括一件#9球衣,Raptors籃球賽門票,跟與暴龍隊球星Serge Ibaka (賽爾吉·伊巴卡)見面以簽署球衣的行程! 除此之外,Equitable銀行也慷慨的贈送了100,000加幣的支票!

  • The announcement that evening raised over $255,000 was the highlight!

A beautiful evening for a great cause. A very successful evening.We’ll all keep our eyes open for the 2020 Street Eats fundraiser!

To learn more about the center and services


中文版 / Chinese version:


用一個美好的夜晚來慶祝一個偉大的事業,我們其待明年再來一起支持宣傳2020 Street Eats籌款活動,一起幫助需要幫助的人。

要了解有關Regent Park Community Food Centre中心和服務的更多信息,請訪問TCRC官網



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