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Most travellers and foreigners who visit Taiwan repeatedly are in love with our hospitality and friendliness.A secret to locals only is the real place to find them. Taipei? Guess again.
If Tainan pops up in your mind, you’re not far from becoming a local. The Southern part of Taiwan: namely, Tainan, is where you can find the friendlier among the friendly, and the origin of many known Taiwanese street food and culture.Lucky for travellers, the Tainan City Government is now promoting English as the second official language. And it’s not just all talk. They’ve come up with an “English-Friendly Certification” to certify shops that qualify for providing English services to non-Chinese speakers.to see if the Tainan City Government is just talking the talk, we made our way to Tainan and walked the walk. Here is a list of our 6 top English- Friendly stores and businesses that we recommend to travellers and foreigners in Taiwan:
近期臺南市政府積極營造英語生活環境,並且創辦了 ”台南商圈暨特色店家英語標章認證輔導計畫“ 來接受及歡迎更多的外國人。我們實地造訪了數間並且整理出我們推薦的幾家:
Watch our video
1. Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant – English Friendly Hangout For the Geeks
1. Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant(懶日子桌遊餐廳)-For the Geeks獻給宅男宅女:
2. Doro Succulents-Therapeutic Desk Friends (Doro多肉植物.療癒小物)
3. Realface Tainan – Affordable Leather Goods (“even for a 22k curse!)
5. AB Optics Vision (全美永康眼鏡公司)
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visit Tainan’s English Friendly Stores at: http://efstore.vrworld.com.tw
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(台南市政府經濟發展局廣告 Advertisement from Bureau of Economic Development, Tainan City Government)
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