Moonlight Gala 2022 in Support of the Mcmichael Canadian Art Foundation, the Only Major Museum in the Country Devoted Exclusively to Canadian Art / 2022 年Moonlight Gala 募款晚宴- 支持 McMichael Canadian Art Foundation藝術基金會,加拿大唯一一間專門獻給加拿大藝術的大型藝術博物館

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for the Chinese version)

(words & photos: Mala Chatargun)

(中譯:殘編 / Chinese translation: Tanya)

(scroll to the bottom for photos/ 欲看照片請往下滑)

The McMichael grounds were transformed into a great outdoor party for its annual fundraiser, Moonlight Gala, on Saturday, June 4, 2022, where guests mingled with the Honourable Maurizio Bevilacqua, PC. Mayor, City of Vaughan.
It was a magical evening in support of the Art of Canada. Guests enjoyed fantastic food by The Food Dudes, exciting entertainment and cheerful company.

中文版 / Chinese version:
2022年6月4日(六)McMichael 的場地變成一個很棒的戶外派對,賓客與沃恩市Vaughan)市長Maurizio Bevilacqua, PC. 齊聚一堂。
這是一個力挺加拿大藝術的神奇夜晚。 客人們享用了 The Food Dudes 提供的美味佳餚、令人興奮的娛樂活動和愉快的聚會

Guests were greeted with a glass of prosecco and music by The Rhapsody‘s trio while walking down the path towards the beautiful tent outside the Grand Hall. Additional performers were Nemesis, featuring world-renowned electric violinist Dr. Draw and Canadian Beatbox champion Scott Jackson.

📸: Sari Colt

中文版 / Chinese version:
來賓手舉迎賓酒,一邊聽The Rhapsody的三重奏的現場奏樂、一邊沿著小徑走向大禮堂外的美麗帳篷。 其他表演者包括Nemesis、世界著名的電子小提琴家、同時也是我們的好朋友 Dr. Draw加拿大 beatbox 冠軍 Scott Jackson

This year, the live entertainment was the Montreal Rhapsody Orchestra, which kept us on our feet dancing all night. The Great Hall heard the incredible sound of Montreal‘s Rhapsody Orchestra, which had everyone on their feet until the very end.

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年活動現場娛樂是由蒙特婁狂想曲樂團(Montreal Rhapsody Orchestra)現場演奏,它讓我們整夜歡舞。大會堂也聽得到蒙特婁狂想曲交響樂團令人難以置信的獻奏音樂,直到最後現場氣氛都還在嗨。

The McMichael Canadian Art Foundation is the only major museum in the country devoted exclusively to Canadian art.
The Moonlight Gala Online Art Auction provides invaluable support to the McMichael and sustains our mission of presenting world-class exhibitions of Canadian art. Your support helps them offer programming and education built around the pillars of art and culture, nature, and wellness to thousands of students and visitors from the surrounding community and worldwide. Proceeds from the Moonlight Gala go towards the art in the McMichael‘s permanent collection, including work by the Group of Seven, Tom Thomson, and Emily Carr.

中文版 / Chinese version:
The McMichael Canadian Art Foundation基金會加拿大國家唯一一家專門致力於加拿大藝術的大型博物館Moonlight Gala 線上藝術拍賣McMichael藝術博物館提供寶貴的助力,並維護他們展示加拿大世界級藝術展覽的使命。 您的支持有助於他們為來自周邊社區和世界各地的數千名學生和遊客提供藝術文化、自然和健康的節目教育Moonlight Gala的收益將用於保存McMichael 的永久收藏藝術品,包括加拿大知名藝術家七人畫派(Group of Seven)、湯姆·湯姆森 (Tom Thomson)和艾蜜莉卡Emily Carr)的作品

New this year is the online art auction where art collectors get to bid on a selection of artworks generously donated by Canadian artists below / 今年新增的活動線上藝術品拍賣藝術品收藏家可以在線上競標加拿大藝術家慷慨捐贈的精選藝術品,收藏家競標的精選藝術品有:
Wanda KOOP
Kristine MORAN Charles PACHTER
Monica TAP


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