(by Rutul)

The Economic and Commercial office of Spain hosted a tasting event at the Spanish Pavilion at SIAL on April 30, 2019. SIAL is North America’s biggest food-innovation tradeshow held at the Enercare Centre in Toronto, Canada from April 30 to May 2, 2019.

The show featured conferences, talks, pitch competitions, product showcases and off-course tastings from exhibitors from around the world. Foremost from these was the “Food and Wines from Spain” tasting event featuring the Chefs Alvaro Villasante and Chef Jordi Gimeno Benito. Chef Alvaro was the Tapas guru for the event, while Chef Jordi was the Paella Master. Both of them delighted all the attendees with not only the delicious food, but also their in-depth knowledge and magnetic personalities. Every live dish presented was mouth-watering and went perfectly with the featured red and white wines from Spain. Chef Jordi was all about the ingredients and the experience and joked

Meals are a family affair, easily lasting 2-3 hours, but often ending with a fight – as with most families“.

Chef Alvaro was all the about the attention to detail and process and said,

“Cooking is about the fight with water. The less the water, the more the flavour”.

Both chefs took questions from the audience and were more than happy to share their knowledge and stories at the end of the demonstration and tasting. All in all, it was a unique and wonderful experience.


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