Casablanca – Toronto’s themed Supper Club Champagne Bar – 多倫多最新北非諜影主題餐酒館香檳酒吧

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ㄗㄨ, and Fashion Ecstasy had the utmost pleasure to be invited to the grand opening.

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  • The venue is named after the 1942 classic film Casablanca starring

Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, where two former lovers find their love renewed against the backdrop of WWII. The romantic drama inspired the decor of Casablanca with images of Bogart and Bergman and illuminated quote from the film “Kiss me as if it were the last time.” The space is warm and inviting, where friends and lovers can sip champagne and cocktails and enjoy tapas-style plates.

(中文版 / Chinese version):

該場所以1942年由漢弗萊·鲍嘉(Humphrey Bogart)和英格麗·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)主演的經典電影ㄕㄧㄝ (又名「卡薩布蘭卡」)命名,劇中描述兩位前戀人在二戰的背景下重溫的愛情。Casablanca以這部浪漫的戲劇為靈感做主題裝潢,除了BogartBergman的劇照,還引用了電影中經典台詞「Kiss me as if it were the last time 」(當作是最後一次一樣吻我)。酒吧空間溫暖而迎人,朋友和戀人皆可在這裡細細品嚐香檳雞尾酒,並享受西班牙風TAPAS小菜。

  • We were greeted with glasses of champagne to start. Later at the bar,

there were three cocktails to try. The Lychee Martini (vodka Soho lychee fruit), The Darker The Stormy (12-year-old El Dorado Rum, Goslings Rum, Demerara and Ginger) and Don’t Chihuahua Mojito (12-year-old El Dorado Rum, Demerara, Lime, Mint and Soda) all created by Josh, Casablanca‘s manager.


(中文版 / Chinese version):

開幕派對從一杯迎賓香檳開場,之後酒吧提供了三種調酒:Soho伏特加和荔枝調出的「荔枝馬丁尼」、用El Dorado杜蘭朵12年蘭姆酒、戈斯林蘭姆酒(Goslings Rum)
、黑糖和薑汁所調出的「月黑風高The Darker The Stormy)」調酒和用杜蘭朵12年蘭姆酒、黑糖、萊姆和蘇打水所調配出的「Don’t Chihuahua莫希托」這三種條㺵皆由Casablanca的經理Josh創作。

  • The tapas plates provided by Bar Sybanne were so delicious.

There was Hummus, Tahini, Labneh and Roasted Eggplant and Cipollini dips, Steelhead Trout Crudo with Citrus Vinaigrette, Cheese and Charcuterie, Spiced Chickpeas with Za’atar and Sumac, Fried Chicken Bites with Orange Blossom Honey and Lamb Kofta with Tzatziki and Pomegranate. There were candy trays of favourite childhood treats to enjoy as well.

(中文版 / Chinese version):

Bar Sybanne提供的西班牙TAPAS小點超美味,除了鷹嘴豆泥、芝麻醬和優格做出的小點,還有烤茄子、Cippolini沾醬、柑橘香醋鱒魚,起司冷肉拼盤、香料鷹嘴豆、炸雞配橙花蜂蜜和中東羊肉串。一盤一盤的懷舊童年零食糖果盤也跟著出場。

  • Amber Hardy and DICRU performed sets of funk and soul music.

Guests danced all night to their covers of classic songs from artists like Michael Jackson and Earth, Wind & Fire

(中文版 / Chinese version):

Amber HardyDICRU演奏了幾組funk和soul的音樂,賓客們在他們翻唱Michael JacksonEarth, Wind & Fire 等歌星的經典歌曲中徹夜狂歡。

Casablanca is an exciting addition to the Dundas W and Ossington area and Fashion Ecstasy invite you all to visit.

(中文版 / Chinese version):

CasablancaDundas WestOssington地區令人興奮的新踩點,時尚高潮邀約住多倫多的大家去參觀。


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