Tag archives for bar

Tokyo, Japan – A Must-Visit for all types of travellers, From Luxury Travellers to Backpackers

Tokyo, Japan - A Must-Visit for all types of travellers, From Luxury Travellers to Backpackers (此文為英文版遊記,愈看中文版部落格請點以下連結🔗/ This post is in English, for the Chinese travel blog, please click on the…
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Miracle Christmas-themed pop-up cocktail bar, Toronto – serving holiday cocktails in a festive setting

Miracle Christmas-themed pop-up cocktail bar, Toronto - serving holiday cocktails in a festive setting from November 18 through December 31st, 2022 / 多倫多「Miracle」奇蹟聖誕主題快閃調酒吧——2022 年11月18日至12月31日在充滿聖誕節日氣氛中供應節慶主題雞尾酒 (中文版向下看,中譯:殘編) The holiday season has officially…
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Diving in The World’s Most Dangerous Site – The Great Blue Hole – Travel Blog – A Week in Belize – Part 2

Diving in The World’s Most Dangerous Site – The Great Blue Hole – Travel Blog – A Week in Belize - 殘編去貝里斯大藍洞潛水旅遊記 - 世上最危險的潛水景點 - Part 2 (中文版請看以下連結 / for…
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Diving in The World’s Most Dangerous Site – The Great Blue Hole – Travel Blog – A Week in Belize

Diving in The World's Most Dangerous Site - The Great Blue Hole - Travel Blog - A Week in Belize (中文版殘編努力翻譯中,敬請期待 / stay tuned for Chinese version) Instagram determines my…
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天閣酒店劍潭館住宿體驗評價 和YT影片/ The Tango Hotel Taipei Jian Tan Review & Vlog

天閣酒店劍潭館住宿體驗評價 和YT影片/ The Tango Hotel Taipei Jian Tan Review & Vlog ( Scroll down for English Version/  英文版向下看) 先看殘編YT住宿影片 / Watch our Youtube Travel Vlog First: 住一晚天閣酒店劍潭館感覺好像跑了5000公尺的障礙賽。整個旅館的設計沒有為殘障人士想到,光是進大門殘編就耗了30幾分鐘,整個旅館沒有一道門是自動化的,裡面的工作人員看到我只有一隻手,有困難,也不會幫忙開個門。殘編大概下午兩點就到場,原本想先卸下行李在大廳酒吧喝一杯放鬆一下再上去整理行李,卻得知他們的餐廳只有供應早午餐,我只好去看他們的公共設施打發時間。 English version/英文版: A…
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Spirits, Liqueurs & Cocktails

Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review – A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom

Fourplay Cuisine 調酒吧、在地取材呈現台灣「水果王國」的驕傲,帶觀光客一起玩4P的最佳酒吧 / Fourplay Cuisine Cocktail Bar Taipei Review - A Taste of Taiwanese Fruit Kingdom (Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看) 先看時尚高潮YT食記影片 / Watch our Youtube food…
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Restaurant & Lounge

時尚高潮食記影片 – 台北W Hotel Woobar / Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review – Woobar, W Hotel Taipei

(scroll down for English Version/ 英文版向下看) 時尚高潮食記影片 - 台北W Hotel Woobar / Fashion Ecstasy Food Vlog & Review - Woobar, W Hotel Taipei 同樣是一晚要價$600多的奢華酒店牛肉麵,W 的WOOBAR是否能與晶華酒店得獎的「冠軍牛肉麵」匹敵?/ Both at $600NT for a…
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Wine & Champagne

Casablanca – Toronto’s themed Supper Club Champagne Bar – 多倫多最新北非諜影主題餐酒館香檳酒吧

Casablanca - Toronto's themed Supper Club Champagne Bar - 多倫多最新北非諜影主題餐酒館香檳酒吧 (中文版向下看 /scroll down for Chinese version) ㄗㄨ, and Fashion Ecstasy had the utmost pleasure to be invited to the grand…
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Beer & Ciders

時尚高潮食記 – 金色三麥安和啤酒吧 – Sunmai Bar Taipei Anhe Road Review

時尚高潮食記 - 金色三麥安和啤酒吧 - 酒後亂性、酒品不好?沒問題!「金色三麥」來ㄧ趟,煩惱一掃而空,再暴力都不用負責! Sunmai Bar Taipei Anhe Road Review - Angry & violent drunk? No Problem! Relieve Your Stress at Sunmai with Full-Force Violence punches and take No Responsibilities!…
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