天閣酒店劍潭館住宿體驗評價 和YT影片/ The Tango Hotel Taipei Jian Tan Review & Vlog

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English version/英文版:
A one-night stay at the Tango Hotel Taipei Jian Tan location feels like completing a 5-mile obstacle course. Imagine if you’re handicapped! The entire hotel is inaccessible. Entering the hotel alone took me 30 minutes. Besides the main entrance, none of the doors in the entire hotel is automatic. There is no bellboy at the door to help me with the door or my luggage. It took me about 20 minutes of yelling and knocking to grab the indoor staff’s attention, and she completely ignored me come even when she saw me having difficulties opening the door.
I arrived at about 2:00 pm in the afternoon. Check-in is at 3:00 PM like every other hotel. The plan was to relax and have some food or a drink at the bar before checking in, but They have no bar, and the kitchen only serves breakfast & brunch, so I decided to check out the hotel’s public facilities to pass time.

  • 天閣酒店公共設施 / Tango Public Facilities:

 /ㄍㄨpublic area


English version/英文版:
The gym is located in the basement, across from the parking lot. It is still open 24 hours even during the pandemic, which leaves me wondering if it’s safe or not? Exiting the gym requires great attention to detail skills, I was locked in for quite a while. After panicking and almost crying, I had to call the lobby for instructions to get the hell out of there. The whole gym is much smaller than the photos online. Equipment includes dumbbells, two treadmills, and bicycles. I have to give props to the photographer they hire. The outdoor swimming pool is the main attraction that made me want to book the hotel in the first place. Unfortunately, it was under maintenance when I visited and was not open.

  • 天閣酒店劍潭館天璽客房 / Tangle Hotel’s Wonderful Suite:


同樣的攝影師,很有技術的用廣角鏡頭把網上房間大小照片照的比實體的大小大很多,但是餐飲設備區俱全,雖然廚房午餐過後廚房就沒有供餐,但是客房除了付兩瓶Evian法國依雲天然礦泉水、還有兩瓶More Water鹼性竹炭礦泉水、微波爐、一個Tiger煮水器、、茶壺、冰桶、WELLWAY 無聲冰箱、跟一台illy的濃縮膠囊咖啡機。抽屜裡有酒杯、茶杯、兩個濃縮咖啡膠囊、兩顆奶精球、烏龍茶、香片、紅茶、普洱茶茶包各一包、奶茶包一包、糖包跟四塊Lotus餅乾。

English version/英文版:
My Wonderful Suite costs $12,800NT per night. I thought it had a balcony, but it didn’t. The guest room door is as hard to open as the main entrance on the ground floor. It’s heavy and can’t stay open, almost killing me when I entered or exited.
I assume they used either the same photographer or the same wide-angle lens; the photos online make the room look way larger than the actual size. However, the amenities are complete. Although the kitchen is closed after lunch, meaning no room service, the guest room provides 2 Evian bottled water, 2 More Water alkaline bamboo charcoal bottled water, a microwave, a Tiger kettle, teapot, ice bucket, WELLWAY refrigerator, and an illy espresso coffee machine. In the drawer are wine glasses, teacups, two espresso capsules, two creamers, jasmine tea, oolong tea, black tea, Puerh tea tea bags (1 each), sugar packets, and four Lotus biscuits,
Although there is no bar, but guests can order Mc Williams JJ Shiraz from Australia($300NT/ 150ml glass ; $1100NT/ 750ml bottle), Riondo Lunardi Chardonnay from Italy($300NT/ 150ml glass; $1100NT/ 750ml bottle), and Taiwan beer ($100NT/ 340ml can). The room uses the Japanese DAIKIN AC system.
During the pandemic, the hotel post reminders for guests to store their food in the refrigerator during the disinfecting times of the guest rooms.

  • 天閣酒店衛浴設備 / hotel bathroom amenities:

客房浴室使用義大利SCARABEO衛浴設備,讓浴室設計的超有未來感,洗手檯的水龍頭殘編看了好久才看明白,設計線條非常有未來感,原來水是用轉開的,非常新奇!可惜雖然設備俱全,卻有好幾樣都是壞的,飛利浦的大型吹風機本以為可以很快地把長髮吹乾,可惜接觸不良、無法使用。電子體重計沒電,但是亞洲限定版的【ALLEGRINI 艾格尼】ONE護髮義大利洗髮精倒是把殘編頭髮不明出油的狀況洗好了,太神奇。

English version/英文版:
The bathroom in the guest room uses Italian SCARABEO bathroom furniture, the cutting-edge design makes everything look super futuristic. It took me a while to figure out how to turn on the faucet. It’s a shame that the Philips full-size hairdryer is broken and the electronic scale is either out of power or broken. but the Asian limited edition ALLEGRINI ONE Shampoo from Italy miraculously cured my unexpected cause of oily hair that’s been bugging me for a while.
The LED touch button next to the jacuzzi allows guests to shut the blinds in case you find someone peeking at you from the building across in the middle of your bath.
There is plenty of towels in the bathroom. I have never stayed in a hotel where I don’t need to call and ask for more towels.
Japanese TOTO washlet helps keep you stay clean and refreshed.

  • Samsung50吋超大的液晶螢幕 / Samsung’s 50-inch large TV


English version/英文版:
Samsung‘s 50-inch large TV is equipped with a touch screen remote control, which is very cool. Once turned on, a screen with a complete channel list appears, making it easy to select channels. So of course, the first thing I did after taking a shower is jumping into my king-size fluffy bed and binge-watch. The closet has 2 bathrobes. Hygienic, but again, making it difficult for people living with disabilities. Luckily, I brought my PJs so I didn’t have to run around butt naked and potentially catch a cold. There is a safe, a laundry bag, and a price list for laundry in the drawers.

  • 台北劍潭天閣酒店早餐 / Breakfast at Tiange Hotel Taipei Jiantan Location:


English version/英文版:
The whole point of the staycation is to destress and recharge, however, the inaccessibility made it hard to relax. Hence, breakfast is probably the best part of my Tango experience. Breakfast is from 7:00 to 10:30 in the morning. It is semi-buffet style. Walk-in guests can also choose to take-away. There are 5 main dishes to choose from. Each dish is $380NT plus a 10% service charge. The main dishes include “Cheese Tuna Green Onion Cake,” “Scrambled Egg Oven Baked Vegetable and chicken Meatballs,” “Noodles with Cotoneaster and Sesame Oil Chicken,” “Snapper Belly with Lettuce and Sandwich,” “Yilan Cherry Smoked Duck Rice with Sanshing Scallion Oil Rice

  • 「原味炒蛋雞肉丸香料綜合烤時蔬」/ “Scrambled Egg Oven Baked Vegetable and chicken Meatballs”:


English version/英文版:
The scrambled eggs have a hint of truffles, but because there were no “truffles” written on the menu, I can’t be sure if truffles were used. The plate is complete with grilled vegetables and tasty chicken meatballs. Salad is dressed in balsamic and olive oil, the whole dish is delicious.

  • 「手作天閣風味蔥抓餅生菜佐起士鮪魚卷」/ “Cheese Tuna Green Onion Cake”:


English version/英文版:
At first glance, the dish looks like a regular egg roll from a breakfast stand. However, with the addition of cheese, the value of the dish increases. The combination with Taiwanese-style kimchi also gives it a unique flavor and stands out from a $30NT egg roll from outside.

  • 天閣酒店台北劍潭館早餐自助區 / Tango Hotel Taipei Jian Tan Location Semi-Buffet Area:

咖啡可以從咖啡壺中馳用或者自主自己到後面的carimali 咖啡機操作選擇卡布奇諾、拿鐵、濃縮咖啡、美式咖啡等咖啡。

English version/英文版:
The self-service area includes congee, Chinese herbal soup, fruit, lettuce, pickled veggies, bread and toaster with various jams, as well as milk, corn flakes, juice, salted eggs, squid, and so on.
Guests are required to wear masks when they are self-serving from the semi-buffet area.
Coffee can be self-served from the coffee pot or the Carimali coffee machine which has more extensive options including cappuccino, latte, espresso, and Americano.

  • 殘編天閣酒店劍潭館總評價 / Fashion Ecstasy Tango Hotel review in a Nutshell:


English version/英文版:
Tango Hotel has opened several branches in Taipei alone within just a few years. Most of the online reviews are good. However, due to the inaccessibility, my accommodation experience was not relaxing, not to mention being famished. Maybe it’s the lack of food that made me “hangry,” but I’d say it’s overrated and I would not consider going there anymore.


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