Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

The Lucky Ball 2015 In Support of Fort York Food Bank

For the third year, The Lucky Ball in support of the Fort York Food Bank took place at Revival Bar on College Street. Influential and fashionable young professionals from all over Toronto dressed in cocktail attire to celebrate the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day for this great cause.

Unlike other fundraisers that donate partial of the fund raised, 100% of the proceeds from this event go to the Fort York Food Bank because of generosity of its many sponsors.

The Fort York Food Bank (an agency of the Daily Bread Food Bank and Second Harvest) is a multi–service agency reconnecting the city’s most vulnerable people with the community. It helps approximately 1,200 people every month who survive on an average of $3 a day after housing costs.

Although the open bar from 8:30 pm to 2:30 am was most likely the draw for most guests, the hors d’oeuvres were also plentiful. Samosas, spring rolls, crab cakes, antipasti circulated throughout the night.

Tunes by Mark Foreman and enjoi dj outfit set the tone for the party.

Conceived by Scott Shallow of Brad Lamb Realty in 2013, The Lucky Ball has become one of Toronto’s best social events and not to be missed!

(photos by Tanya)


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This entry was posted on March 19, 2015 by in Charity Galas, Event, Toronto and tagged , , , , , , .

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