Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

My Stay at InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort

Our 3-day stay at the InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort was the perfect antidote to our 3-day toxic casino life at Crowne Plaza Danang.
Tucked away in the hills of Son Tra Peninsula, the resort is a beautiful hideout from the hustle and bustle of Da Nang’s city life.

The rooms are what one would want for a beachside retreat, brought up a notch or three: spacious sharable bathrooms, outdoor dining balconies, and a breathtaking view of the gorgeous mountains and sea.

Our King Terrace Ocean View Suite had a private balcony big enough to have friends over for a patio drink at dusk, or a coffee at dawn, when we watched the first rays of sunshine sprinkle the water pink.

Contrast of elegant black and happy yellow dominated the suite’s colour palette.

I equipped myself with the Vietnamese conical hat & sandals InterContinental provided and headed out for the beach. My private butler escorted me to the Nam Tram (InterContinental‘s cable car) where I descended from Heaven, Sky, Earth, and finally, to Sea, where the beach level was at.

InterContinental’s private beach was filled with tiny sand bubbler crabs and other little creatures that wriggled into the sand before I could step on them (not intentionally, of course). Working my way down the clear, shallow water, I felt something mushy on my foot, a baby sea cucumber.

As noon approached, the extreme heat (40c) gave me the perfect excuse to enjoy my first frozen margarita of the day by InterContinental’s infinity pool.

frozen margarita at InterContinental's infinity pool

frozen margarita at InterContinental’s infinity pool

Snorkeling, boat fishing, and trekking trips departed for the hardcorers. Alternatively, indoor activities were also available for those who chose to escape the unbearable hot hours: karaoke, movies, spa, and lantern workshops.

Sadly, my schedule was too busy for me to explore the whole resort, I had to run into the city everyday during my stay, but I made sure to say bye to the friendly red shank Douc Langur (an endangered monkey species listed in Vietnam’s “red book”) when I took off.

Stay with InterContinental Hotel Danang

(photos by Tanya)


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This entry was posted on July 26, 2015 by in Asia, Hotels and Resorts, Lifestyle, Luxury, Travel and tagged , , , , , .

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