Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

OREJEN Fashion Lab Brings Emerging Global Designers to Toronto

OREJEN Fashion Lab’s three-day pop-up shop brought emerging global designer brands to Toronto

Another Toronto Fashion Week has come and gone, this time seeing designers showcase their Fall/Winter 2016 collections. Capping off the week, OREJEN Fashion Lab, a global marketplace and showroom that focuses on launching emerging designers as well as developing established brands in the apparel and accessories sector, hosted a three-day pop up shop at Rally Art Gallery on Ossington.

Featuring unique apparel and accessories from a mix of contemporary designers located in North America and beyond, the pop up played nicely with Fashion Week’s focus on homegrown talent. Having dropped their big brand sponsor, it was made clear by the Toronto Fashion Week that local, “slow movement”, handmade artistry is the future of fashion.

Opened from March 18th to March 20th in downtown Toronto, the OREJEN Fashion Lab pop-up shop featured the talent of emerging fashion designers from all around the globe including Sollis Jewellery, Covry sunglasses, and Rosario Dawson’s social enterprise Studio 189.

Guests of the pop up launch party celebrated the arrival of spring, lounging, learning, and shopping the curated collection of emerging designers while listening to the sounds of DJ Lissa Monet.

Adding to the experience, the event also showcased a collection of works by Babbu The Painter.

(photos by Kyron Wong)


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This entry was posted on March 21, 2016 by in Accessories/Jewellery, Event, Fashion, Menswear, Shopping, Toronto, Womenswear and tagged , , , .

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