Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant(懶日子桌遊餐廳)-English Friendly Hangout For the Geeks臺南市政府給宅男至宅女英語友善店家

(this post is part of 6 top English- Friendly stores for travellers and foreigners in Taiwan with Tainan City Government‘s “English-Friendly Certification” )

近期臺南市政府積極營造英語生活環境,並且創辦了 台南商圈暨特色店家英語標章認證輔導計畫來接受及歡迎更多的外國人。我們實地造訪了數間並且整理出我們推薦的幾家, 這是其中一家

1. Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant – English Friendly Hangout For the Geeks

  • 懶日子桌遊餐廳-臺南市政府給宅男至宅女英語友善店家
6 Top English Friendly Stores for Travelers in Tainan - 台南英語友善店家

Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant (懶日子桌遊餐廳)

Although Taiwan or Asia in general is filled with geeks and geek culture, Board game geeks are relatively less common in Taiwan. We seem to care more about online games and promo girls (please correct me in the comments if I’m wrong). That’s why many geeks spend most their time watching promo girls play computer games online- A combination of the both!
I have loner geek inside me who constantly looks for places to kill time and escape reality. I never knew board game cafes were available in Taiwan until I learned about Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant. LazyDay has two shelves filled with board games to choose from.

A stereotypical geek in Taiwan stays home and watch comic books/animation or plays computer games all day. I don’t think they have the time or need to learn another language.Curious to see if English speaking geeks existed in Taiwan, I walked in Lazytable and requested for a table in English. I didn’t get the employee (who attended to me)’s name. Self-introduction is not common in Taiwan. My physiotherapist still hasn’t told me his name after nine months. Since I don’t know his name, I will refer to him as “Mr. X.” Mr. X passed my test and introduced me to the back shelf of board games to choose from. I spotted “Twister” and pointed at it just to give him a hard time. There is no way the space can fit a Twister matt on the floor.

Twister at Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant Tainan English friendly


He stuttered, and I revealed that I was joking after enjoying the look of his “Oh-snap–face.”We were a party of three, so Mr. X picked a game suitable for groups of 3and above for us. Friendly enough, he volunteered to join us as nobody in our group was familiar with the games (I guess I’m not qualified for a geek, anyway). Initially, I gave his English level a 7 out of 10, but after he successfully scored three words in the game Alias with me in a very short time, and taught my post-stroke cognition how to play Geschenk’s, I’ll give him an over-the-top 20-out-of-10 for his patience.

The Menu:
The menu consists of casual Italian fare like pizzas, risotto and deep fried finger food/snacks that go well with a lazy board-gaming day. On top of the orders, the restaurant charges on a timing basis. On weekdays they charge $40NT/person per hour and on weekends/holidays  $50NT. The price is clearly written on the menu with English translation.It is pretty straightforward and easy to understand, even for a first-time traveler/foreigner. Minimum order is 1 drink and 1 hour.






Store :

More information on Lazytable/Lazyday Table Dining Restaurant:

Adress: No. 313, Section 2, Hai An Road, Chung Xi District, Tainan City

phone number: (06)2224313






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這只是我們所推薦的太台南友善英語店家的第一家喔!想知道更多請從右邊框框訂閱(在右邊 “Subscribe to Blog via Email”下的框框填上Email (伊妹兒)再點 ”Subscribe” 就可以囉!“)->>



(台南市政府經濟發展局廣告 Advertisement from Bureau of Economic Development, Tainan City Government)


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