Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Honest to Goodness Cookbook by Christine Gizzard:Recipes for the Holidays

Toronto’s Le Gourmand Café was abuzz with holiday cheer on Sunday, November 26th during the promotion of Christine Tizzard’s Cookbook “Honest to Goodness,” where Christine invited family and friends to a pre-holiday celebration.

Matt Mays & Christine Tizzard

Matt Mays & Christine Tizzard

Selecting from 13 different spices, guests enjoyed the ‘make and take’ interactive stations and created their DIY Signature Spice Mix Station with Herbes de Provence, Za’atar or a mexi-mix sauce herbs in little jars using the “Honest to Goodness” recipes. Other stations included making your own Curry Mustard in a jar and Wild Blueberry Holiday Granola Mix, using a buffet of items including wild blueberries. Christine Tizzard, the former host of CBC’s ‘Best Recipes Ever,’ signed her cookbook (published by Whitecap books) and enjoyed watching her guests sample food from her cookbook recipes. Guests also enjoyed drinking punch made of Seriously Cool Chardonnay sparkling wine, wild blueberry juice and berries and a cocktail made of earl grey tea, rum with apple cider and citrus. Delicious samples from Christine Tizzard’s cookbook such as curried spinach and chard in phyllo pastry, Caldo Verde soup with chorizo, samples of a sweet potato medley and brown butter rosemary popcorn, wild blueberry almond tarts, and wild blueberry buttermilk muffins. All the food was served beautifully on trays and tasted delicious!
The ambiance in the café was enhanced by Matt Mays (who was joined by fellow band mates of the Matt Mays Band) and the DJ who spun tunes ending with a selection of The Beatles’ music. Le Gourmand Café was a perfect, cozy location decorated beautifully creating a festive atmosphere. All had a pleasant, happy and delicious afternoon!


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