Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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時尚高潮食記:超傳統Tony’s 美式BBQ 煙燻餐廳

(英文版向下看/ Scroll down for English version)

昨日殘編在台的美國朋友提供我內行人才知道的小道消息:台灣的美國人都在傳:台北市民權東路上有一家美國華僑開的傳統Tony’s 美式BBQ 煙燻餐廳。口味道地,廣受外國圈子喜愛。台灣美國華僑這麼多,能見到的道地美式餐廳卻少之又少,我想這位朋友可能憋久了,想念家鄉味了,所以邀我一同去品嚐。


英文版/English Version:

One of my American friends in Taiwan, G, told me an insider’s information: Words have been going around among the American community that there is an authentic American smokehouse in Taipei called Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse and invited me to try it out.

Watch our video first:

Rumor has it that the owner of Tony’s BBQ is from the States. There is a vast population of Americans in Taiwan, yet not many authentic American restaurants. G is from Texas, he must have been craving for his hometown’s food for too long.


  • 煙燻美食 (Smoked Meat/BBQ)


英文版/English Version:

Smoked BBQ can be seen everywhere across the United States and Canada, but it is not too common in Taiwan. Most American restaurants in Taiwan only serve items like burgers, steaks, or French fries. Smoked meat like BBQ ribs, brisket, and pulled pork are rare.

  • Tony’s BBQ 餐廳環境 (Inside Tony’s BBQ Restaurant)

    進門時,店狗Pillow 熱情的搖著尾巴接待我們,殘編心已融化。就座後Pillow也安分下來,殘編也偷偷傷心頗有失落感,好在點餐時牠又回到我身邊,靜靜趴著陪伴我。殘編難得用餐不孤單,擦掉眼淚用心點餐。

英文版/English Version:

My heart melts when Pillow, Tony’s BBQ’s dog greets us with her wagging tail.
There is a bit of sadness in me when she calms down as we take our seat, but she doesn’t disappoint and comes back to me when we study the menu. She sits beside me quietly and keeps me company for the night.

  • Tony’s BBQ菜單(Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse Menu)

  • Tony’s BBQ 餐廳服務(The Service at Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse)

服務我們的大姐,點餐超仔細用心,有如在美國點餐ㄧ般的水準,點餐講好「不吃」的食材不是「僅供參考」,而是「嚴格執行」。美國很多人對某些食材過敏,吃到會有致命危險,因此餐廳都會很謹慎的處理客人的喜好和要求,絕不馬虎。舉例來說,在餐廳點個蚵仔麵線,若要求不加香菜,店家會問是「各人喜好」還是因爲「過敏」?因為如果是因爲「過敏」,除了成品不另外添加香菜外,準備菜色的所有製作處理過程都要除去過敏源,讓消費者食用安心。Tony’s BBQ 點餐時除了推薦餐廳的人氣餐點外,還將每道餐點介紹得徹徹底底,一一敘述每一道菜所附的醬料、食材和製作方法。「醬料另外擺」在這兒不用怕被忽視,大姐再三跟我們確認,叫人安心。

英文版/English Version:

Our server takes our order very carefully, the North American way. Requests to cut out an ingredient is strictly enforced here.
Food allergy reactions can be fatal, so restaurants in Canada and The States & are usually very cautious in handling diners’ requests. The preparation for“Preferences” can also be very different from “allergens” so that consumers can eat with peace of mind.

In addition to recommending their star items, our server at Tony’s BBQ also introduces the sauces, ingredients, and methods of cooking of each dish thoroughly. “Dressing on the side” is no longer a confusion.

我們點了餐廳的人氣「豬肋排套餐」和「BBQ 牛胸肉套餐 」($420),「豬肋排可以選「半份套餐」($650)或「全份套餐」($1150)。我們試水溫先點半份。

英文版/English Version:

We order Tony’s BBQ’s famed “BBQ Ribs Set” and “BBQ Beef Brisket Set Meal.” The BBQ ribs set has an option of half rack” ($650) or “full rack” ($1150). We order the half rack.
We wanted to order the salad to get our veggies, but our server convinces us not to she emphasizes that the set comes with a salad.

  • Tony’s BBQ套餐 (Tony’s BBQ Set Meal)


配菜單品有起司馬鈴薯起司地瓜手工薯條捲心高麗菜(Coleslaw) 、烤時鮮蔬菜以及烤玉米可以選。

英文版/English Version:

Each set meal comes with a soup, salad, a side dish, and a drink.
Side dish options include potato with cheese, sweet potato with cheese, French fries, Coleslaw, grilled vegetables or corn.
When we scratch our heads while deciding on the side dishes, a young man in about his early 20s comes in and orders over 10 potatoes for takeout. He doesn’t look like he has more than a dozen children at home, so we opt for the potato and of course, coleslaw.

  • Tony’s BBQ 不採現點現做的制度,所以上菜迅速快,份量更是驚人,有美式餐飲的精髓。
    先上套餐所附的沙拉和玉米湯,沙拉雖然份量不大,但是它的醬是Tony’s BBQ 廚師自製的醬料,用油醋打底,殘編吃起來有咖哩味,跟殘編在荷蘭最愛吃的薯條口味很像,非常可口。喜歡吃清爽生菜原味的殘編都忍不住要玷污它一下。

英文版/English Version:

First up are the side salads and corn soup that comes with the set. The salad is small, but the dressing is vinaigrette made with
Tony’s BBQ’s secret recipe. The homemade dressing is delicious and has a hint of curry. The taste is similar to my favorite flavor for Dutch fries. I usually like my lettuce fresh with no dressing; today, I can’t help but “go Dutch.”

  • Tony’s BBQ 牛胸肉 (Tony’s BBQ Brisket):

Tony's BBQ Smokehouse Taipei brisket

Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse Taipei brisket

先上的主食是牛胸肉套餐,份量驚人,約有歐2-2.5英寸 (5cm -6.4cm)之厚,中間有一層看似要流出來的肥油,卻是凝狀的固體物。牛胸肉是位於一隻牛前腳的上方,需支撐一隻站著的牛約60%的體重,故此部位結締組織跟纖維較多,肉質較有嚼勁,也可以嚼比較久。Tony’s BBQ 將牛胸肉用慢火燻烤約八小時,至邊緣呈燻味濃厚的黑色。再將餐廳的獨門醬汁另外擺在盤上。偏橘色的醬汁有細小的顆粒物,口味帶酸,不但獨特,還可讓大份量的肉更順嘴、好下口。

英文版/English Version:

Tony’s BBQ slow-cooks its briskets over an 8-hour period until the sides are smokey black. The orange color sauce with crushed spices has a tangy taste and is served on the side on the same plate. The tangy flavor refreshes the dish and makes the massive meat easier to eat.


  • Tony’s BBQ 豬肋排套餐 (Tony’s BBQ Ribs)

豬肋排 (半份) Tony's BBQ Smokehouse Taipei bbq ribs half rack

豬肋排 (半份)
Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse Taipei bbq ribs half rack

豬肋排套餐可選半份($650)或全份 ($1150),因為已有小道消息得知這家美式餐廳很道地,份量也有可能是美國標準,心中已有底,因此保守點了半份。上菜時果然不失所望,半份的份量就有五支肋骨,份量足以遮臉。豬肋排烹飪方法可選塗醬汁烤或是不塗醬汁乾烤。殘編最害怕「醬」類東西,點菜都習慣要求醬料另外擺。只是「dressing on the side」、「easy on the sauce/salt」、「Balsamic 」等簡單的餐飲單字跟請求,回台後彷彿變成了達文西密碼,做出請求時,有時連五星旗級飯店的餐廳服務員都會一臉茫然的看著似乎在講外星文的我。豬肋排上菜時還真「滴醬不沾」,就連「高麗菜絲捲心沙拉」(Coleslaw)的醬也不忘另外附。高麗菜捲心菜的醬是用美乃滋做基底的淺黃色醬。廚師將豬肋排上下面切的超平,令人佩服!因為是不沾醬烤,豬肋排在分切時稍嫌乾、口感也比一般豬肋排紮實。

英文版/English Version:

in addition to the portion, BBQ ribs have an option of cooking them dry or with sauce, since I’m terrified of all sauces, I choose the have the sauce on the side. They are served real dry. They even remember to serve the dressing for “Coleslaw” on the side. The dressing for coleslaw is a light yellow sauce with a Mayonnaise base. The chef cuts the top and the bottom of the ribs with perfection.
Since mine is not cooked with sauce, the pork ribs are slightly dry and taste chewier than usual BBQ Ribs

  • Tony’s BBQ 起司馬鈴薯

Tony’s BBQ 起司馬鈴薯是帶皮的烤馬鈴薯,除了上面加一層起司外,其餘部份原始原味,並無添加奶油、培根等會讓您血管堵塞的索命食材。

  • Tony’s BBQ美國南方煙燻美食原汁原味的帶來台北,就連所有醬汁都是獨門秘方調製出來的,殘編建議跟我一樣害怕醬類的饕客們可以破例放心破例隨它去,絕不會令您失望。
    Tony’s BBQ 另有號稱「全台灣最好吃的手撕豬肉」,有機會饕客們可以試試看。

英文版/English Version:

Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse brings authentic smoked meat from the Southern United States to Taipei, all sauces are homemade with Tony’s BBQ’s secret recipe. Foodies who are not fans of “sauces can make an exception and go all in at Tony’s BBQ, they will not let you down.
Tony’s BBQ is also known to serve “the best pulled-pork in Taiwan”. Meatlover foodies should definitely give it a try.


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