Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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The Lucky Ball 2019in Support of the Fort York Food Bank

The Lucky Ball 2019in Support of the Fort York Food Bank

Life in Toronto ain’t cheap.

Life in Toronto is far from easy.

With the cost of living rising by the year, and Doug Ford’s Conservatives screwing the province over by canceling the minimum wage increase, daily life in Toronto is a struggle for so many people. There are many people out there who are torn between buying groceries and saving money for rent. The Fort York Food Bank knows this and has been providing grocery hampers, support programs, and economic initiatives for low-income individuals and families for more than a decade. In a given month, the Fort York Food Bank helps 1,200 people who survive on $3 per day for food, after housing and other costs. Living on $3 per day is barely enough for a somewhat nutritious snack at the dollar store.
In support of the Fort York Food Bank, hundreds of young professionals attended the Seventh Annual Lucky Ball on Thursday, March 7, 2019. This annual St. Patrick’s Day-themed fundraiser has generated over $130,000 since its inception in 2013. The Amsterdam Brew House was the perfect venue for the event with its good acoustics, spacious dance floor, and excellent beer selection. It was fun seeing all of the guests get into the St. Patrick’s Day spirit by donning their funkalicious green bow ties and shamrock party hats. Instead of pushing out green beer, the open bar featured the Whiskey Clover, a refreshing green-hued spin on the Whiskey Sour that was well-received by the guests. The hors d’oeuvres were delicious and had modern takes on traditional Irish foods, such as the mini Irish stew tarts and corned beef croquettes. They probably weren’t the neatest or easiest to eat (the corned beef croquettes were the size of tennis balls stuck onto a skewer) but definitely worth the mess.
The silent auction prizes were top notch. Vintage wines from the LCBO, a basket full of Mary Kay cosmetics, and Norval Morrisseau were up for auction. The collection of Kimberly Lang’s Swarovski crystal bracelets were to die for! There was also a photo booth, but it was hidden in a far corner of the brewhouse. It would have been great if there were more interactive activities at the event, like a cocktail crafting station featuring Irish whiskey.
The best part of the evening was when Alison Randall and Scott Bartle of the Rotary Club of Parkdale-High Park-Humber presented the Fort York Food Bank board of directors with a donation of $5000. The Rotary Club of Parkdale-High Park-Humber is a longstanding supporter of the Fort York Food Bank, and the generous donation will go very far in feeding the hungry and helping people get their lives back on track. As the evening’s special musical act, The Darcys delivered the cool with their just-got-off-the-set-of-a-Wes-Anderson-movie onstage attire and groovy rock music. Last but not least, DJ Carl Allen was fantastic! His set of high-energy, fast-tempo music kept everyone dancing and feeling their oats all into the early morning hours.
95% of the proceeds from this year’s Lucky Ball will go straight to the Fort York Food Bank’s programs and services, so they can better serve existing and future clients.
About Lucky Ball
The Lucky Ball is the largest and most prominent fundraising event for the Fort York Food Bank (FYFB). 95% of every donation from the Lucky Ball will go directly to programs that provide an integrated set of services holistically assisting clients, such as the grocery hampers program and community drop-in centre. For more information about the Fort York Food Bank, please visit their website at

Read Also:

Lucky Ball 2016 in Support of Fort York Food Bank


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