Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

2019台北「Speak Dating」歐洲語言日 時尚高潮教你歐洲怎麼像「在地的」玩,殘編加碼教你如何撩歐洲妹! Taipei Speak Dating Event 2019

2019台北「Speak Dating」歐洲語言日 時尚高潮教你歐洲怎麼像「在地的」玩,殘編加碼教你如何撩歐洲妹!

Taipei Speak Dating Event 2019 – European Language Day – We Teach You All the Tips and Useful Conversations to Eurotrip Like a “Loco’! Tanya’s Special Edition: “How to Pick up A European Girl!

(Scroll down for English version / 英文版向下看):
已連辦四屆的2019台北「Speak Dating」歐洲語言日殘編大開眼界,參展攤位共有14個歐洲國家的攤位,包含11種歐洲語言也讓我對剩沒幾個邦交朋友的台灣充滿了不同的觀點與希望。


今年的 Speak Dating 歐洲語言日於2019年9月在松山文創園區的ㄧ號倉庫舉辦。Speak Dating 歐洲語言日活動是由英國文化協會台灣法國文化協會、、 德國文化中心台北市政府文化局與眾多歐洲駐台單位共同主辦。

(English version / 英文版)

The “Speak Dating” 2019 event in Taipei was an eye-opener for myself and raised my hopes up for this island left with almost no friends in terms of diplomatic relations. 2019 marks the 4th year of the now annual Speak Dating event.

Guests learned all the useful tips, and conversations to prepare for a Euro trip and travel like a “Loco”!  Exclusive to Fashion Ecstasy’s readers, we show you “How to pick up a European girl!”

Watch our video to learn them all! (You’re welcome):

This year (2019)’s event, held on September 7th at Taipei’s Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, hosted a total of 14 booths representing 14 different European countries and 11 European languages. Speak Dating is hosted by the British Council, the Alliance Francaise, Goethe-Institut Taipei, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in conjunction with numerous European representative offices in Taipei.

  • 殘編常常看到很多文化藝術活動在文松山文創園區舉辦,但這卻是我第一次親自到場,因為教英文又曾在歐洲待過的殘編對「歐洲」和「語言」這兩個關鍵字合併在一起的主題息息相關,無法抗拒。

(English version / 英文版)
>I’ve seen many arts and cultural events in Taipei held at the Songshan Cultural Park, but this is my first time attending; as an English tutor who has spent over a year studying and travelling in Europe, the combination of the two keywords: “language” and “Europe” is just irresistible.

台北松山文創園區活動場地與空間 / Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative ParkEvent Space &Environment:

松山文創園區將寬廠的老菸廠改造成環境優美的展示空間與活動場地,共有有多個分別隔開的倉庫,可同時舉辦多種不一樣的文藝活動。室外空間寬敞,還有一個小舞台,晴天時很適合舉辦室外活動。我們去的那天場地有現炸的甘蔗汁攤販,「歐洲語言日」旁邊的倉庫在舉辦的是「航海王」(海賊王)的展覽,看到好多熱血的窄窄Cosplay成魯夫,還有一位妹妹拿著超萌的「喬巴」包子在喬巴的海報前拍照,害頭腦簡單、童心未泯的殘編差一點分心「跟著那道光」被吸引進去,差點忘了今天約好的是要去 「Speak Dating 歐洲語言日」,不能爽約。

(English version / 英文版):
The Songshan Cultural Park transforms the historic tobacco factory since the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan (1937) into a beautiful event space venue with multiple separate warehouses, which means it can host multiple different activities simultaneously. The outdoor area is spacious and equipped with a small stage, making it ideal for outdoor events on a sunny day. There was a fresh sugar cane juice stand on-site when we attended. Adjacent to the “Speak Dating Event “warehouse was “One Piece (Japanese anime) exhibition filled with One Piece fans in full-on “Lufu“ Cosplay costumes, I even witnessed a girl holding a  “ Chopper” bun with a backdrop of an adorable Chopper poster. The child in my heart almost “followed the light” and went into the wrong event space. But I regained my consciousness in time to remember that I made a commitment to attend the “Speak Dating” event, and flopping is not my thing.


  • 殘編好不容易跛咖到一號倉庫時, Speak Dating 倉庫門口已大排長龍,殘編才他赫然發覺:「原來現在台灣想跑歐洲的人這麼多啊!」進場後共有14個歐洲國家的攤位,包含11種歐洲語言 -:丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、德語、法語、匈牙利語、義大利語、波蘭語、斯洛伐克語、瑞典語、盧森堡語。入場是免費的,進場來賓各領一張蓋章的「護照」用來抽獎,每造訪一個國家的攤位即可集該國家的小印章;集滿五個攤印章可參加抽獎,有機會獲得“台北-歐洲”來回機票乙張 及 “德、英、法”語言課程各乙名等獎項。


(English version / 英文版):
When I finally limped my way to warehouse No. 1, where the Speak Dating event was, I was surprised by the number of excited guests lining up and waiting to get in. I guess I’m not the only one dying to get out of this island for another Eurotrip. The event hosted 14 booths representing 14 different European countries and 11 European languages including Dutch, English, German, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Slovak, Swedish, and Luxembourgish. Admission is not only free, each guest is given a “passport” that contains 14 boxes for collecting stamps from the booths they’ve visited. 5 stamps earn us a chance for the lucky draw with prizes of a round-trip ticket to Europe and language courses for German, English and French.

  • 因為來賓人數多,排隊不易,咱們原想說快快集滿快快解決,但天下沒有白吃的午餐,想抽歐洲機票可沒想像中的這麼容易!當天每一個的攤位都是有經過精心準備的,每位服務人員都會將負責的國家好好的介紹一番,包括教我們當地人常用的語言、道地的食物還有一些該國家的習俗等等,殘編才發現之前的歐洲旅都像白目的觀光客,吃喝玩樂都沒找到重點,如果早知道這些小撇步,第一次當觀光客也能裝「在地的」橫著走(快看我們的上面影片學起來!)


(English version / 英文版):
Due to the popularity of the event, lining up was not easy. When time was cutting short, we were hoping to coast through the booths quickly to collect our stamps.  However, let’s just say since “there’s no free lunch,” a free round-trip ticket to Europe doesn’t come easy as well. All representatives at the booth put their hearts and souls into preparing for the event. In addition to learning about the country, we also learned their language, specialty, local dishes and some interesting cultural facts, which I wish I’d known when I went on my Euro trip. They could’ve saved me a lot of time and trouble by travelling like a “Loco.”

(Watch our video to see all you need to know about before to embark on that Euro-trip!)

Europe, we’re ready for Eurotrip round 2!!


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