Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Van Dyk 100%純野生藍莓汁 – 抗氧功能2倍、錳含量8倍、糖含量減少32%、纖維含量增加72%。等,對人體的的健康功效更是加倍 – Van Dyk’s 100% Pure Wild Blueberry- accessible superfood at your local grocery


(中文版向下看  / scroll down for Chinese version)

 Juice – 2X antioxidants, 8x manganese, 32 % less sugar, and 72% more fiber. Not to mention the many Health Benefits they bring you! Here are some Easy Wild Blueberry Recipe Hacks from Fashion Ecstasy!



nutrition facts純野藍莓

Picture yourself on a cold winter day, and it arrives on your doorstep: a gift bag with Wild Blueberries and Van Dyk’s 100% Pure Wild Blueberry Juice. The first thought is the warmth of summer (wild blueberries are harvested in August) and memories of the East Coast ( Van Dyk‘s Wild Blueberry Juice is made from Nova Scotia Grade A Wild Blueberries). The second thought is I can’t wait to start eating them because I happen to love blueberries.

中文版  / Chinese version:

想像自己在寒冷的冬天理,它送到了你家門口:一個裝滿溫暖的禮品袋。裡面有滿滿的野生藍莓Van Dyk的100%純野生藍莓果汁。 隨即來的則是心中一股夏天的溫暖(夏季八月正是採收野生藍莓的季節)和對加拿大東海岸的回憶(Van Dyk野生藍莓果汁是採用加拿大東岸Nova Scotia省的A級野生藍莓製成的)。 再來就是迫不及待想開吃,因為我正好喜歡藍莓。

  • Wild Blueberries are known for being tiny and potent / 野生藍莓以其小而有力聞名:


In comparison to regular blueberries, wild ones have higher flavour intensity, twice as many antioxidants (and ranked #1 over 20 other fruits), 8x the manganese, 32 % less sugar, and 72% more fiber. They have so many health benefits by helping the body handle heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, urinary tract infections, vision and memory loss, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Cancer.


中文版  / Chinese version:

野生藍莓以其小而有力聞名。 與普通藍莓相比,野生藍莓的風味更強、抗氧功能是其他藍莓的兩倍並同時也是其它20種水果中名列榜首,錳含量是8倍,糖含量減少32%,纖維含量增加72%。 除營養價值驚人外,野藍莓也是養生的理想選擇。他的養生功能包括幫助身體應付心臟病、第2型糖尿病、尿道炎、改善視力和預防減緩防記憶力下降、阿滋海默症、帕金森氏症和癌症等。

  • Wild Blueberries available year-round / 野藍莓,一年四季都有貨

Wild Blueberries are available year-round because once harvested, they

are immediately frozen fresh. Their nutrients, taste, and texture remain perfect.

中文版  / Chinese version:


Wild blueberries are a crucial ingredient in making the perfect smoothie. Take 1 cup of Wild Blueberries, 1 small banana, 1 6-oz container of Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of walnuts, and 1/2 cup of coconut water and blend them all together until smooth. You could also substitute the coconut water for 1 cup of Van Dyk‘s By Nature 100% Pure Wild Blueberry Juice for an even richer taste.

中文版  / Chinese version:


  • 將1杯野生藍莓、1根小香蕉、1個6盎司的希臘優格,1湯匙奇亞籽、1湯匙核桃和半杯椰子水混合攪拌至均勻。 您也可以用椰子水代替1杯Van Dyk’s By Nature 100%純野生藍莓汁,以品嘗不一樣的味道。
  • In addition to smoothies, wild blueberries are great in pies, scones,

pancakes and can be used in so many recipes. Van Dyk’s Wild Blueberry Juice is versatile when combined with the Wild Blueberries. Wild Blueberry Lemonade or Wild Blueberry Mimosa (1 oz juice and 3 oz of Champagne or Club Soda), Wild Blueberry Chutney, and Wild Blueberry Apple Salsa are all great choices.

中文版  / Chinese version:

除了冰沙,野生藍莓還可以拿來作派、司康、煎餅以及更多不一樣的食譜中。 Van Dyk野藍莓汁野藍莓混合使用時,用途更是廣泛。時尚高潮提供一些以下幾項野藍莓創意食譜::

  • 野生藍莓檸檬水
  • 野生藍莓雞尾酒(1盎司果汁和3盎司香檳或蘇打汽水)
  • 野生藍莓沾醬
  • 野生藍莓蘋果莎莎醬



  • I enjoyed eating Wild Blueberries and drinking Van Dyk‘s Wild Blueberry Juice. Both are sweet (but not too sweet) and have a slight tang to them. It didn’t take long for me to finish off the jar of berries. Wild Blueberry Juice, for me, is a refreshing change from apple and orange juice.

中文版  / Chinese version:

一邊試吃野藍莓一邊喝著Van Dyk的野藍莓汁對我來說是一大享受。 兩者都很甜卻不過甜,味道俐落。 一整罐藍莓,我不用多久就解決。 我深深覺得野藍莓汁是一種可以代替蘋果和柳橙汁令人耳目一新的新變化。

  • Dietary Restrictions? No problemo! Eat and Stay Healthy! / 飲食忌諱不怕,放膽吃,·保健身體:

For those with dietary restrictions, it’s reassuring to know that Van Dyk‘s Wild Blueberry Juice is gluten-free, certified Vegan and Kosher.

Beat the winter blues with Wild Blueberries and Van Dyk’s Wild Blueberry Juice, both available at local grocery stores.

Van Dyk的藍莓汁不含麩質,並通過全素食認證即符合猶太教飲食認證。
Van Dyk的野生藍莓汁已在當地各超市可買到,讓咱們怕冷的台灣人一起用它來打敗加拿大冷死人的冬天所帶給我們熱帶動物的憂鬱吧!


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