Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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A Night Out by Isaiah Haber – a collaborative Charity Photobook Supporting Frontline Workers Who Work Hard to protect Us During COVID / 多倫多攝影師Isaiah Haber推出慈善寫真書,將利潤捐出支持疫情間守護我們的醫護前線工作人員

A Night Out by Isaiah Haber – a collaborative Charity Photobook Supporting Frontline Workers Who Work Hard to protect Us During COVID / 多倫多攝影師Isaiah Haber推出慈善寫真書,將利潤捐出支持疫情間守護我們的醫護前線工作人員

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多倫多攝影師Isaiah Haber推出慈善寫真書,將利潤捐出支持疫情間守護我們的醫護前線工作人員

Toronto fashion photographer Isaiah Haber is launching his exciting new charity photobook, “A Night Out,” on March 30, 2021, in Toronto. “A Night Out” is a collaboration of Isaiah Haber and Friends, which include photographers: Dean Ostetto, Vito Amati, Maria Mikhailova, Carl Carter Greene, Denis Lipman, Gabriel Disante, Dmitri Bondareko, Partick Deala, HMUAs (Hair & Makeup Artists): Yusra Sultan, Taylor Switzer, Nishi Batth, Taylor Barker, Anita Hsu, and Stylists: Natalia Ledevena, Sonia Ajit Prasad, Rachi Bindra, Pakeesa Hashemi, Feven Tsegaye, Ankita Bawiskar, Artemis Muse along with over forty models, who have all donated their time.
The photoshoots were staged at ten of Toronto‘s finest hotels. These hotels include: The Hazelton, The Omni King Edward, The Westlake, The Bisha, The Ritz- Carlton, The Westin Harbour Castle, The Windsor Arms, where Haber first met his publicist Danielle Iverson of that PR thing (, The Drake, and Hotel X.

Watch our Youtube vlog at The Ritz Carlton Hotel’s Presidential Suite to get a sense of the glitz and glam:

Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to TGWHF (Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation) to support Canada‘s overwhelmed frontline medical workers.
Haber explains how the project got started. “I, just like everybody else, for six to seven months was stuck at home, looking for a way to create a positive out of a negative situation and to help the front line workers that were working so hard for us to get our lives back to normal. The idea occurred to me that we could really use a “night out,” especially the frontline workers… that sort of snowballed into realizing, just like myself, so many other businesses and creators were unable to find opportunities to promote their work.”

Haber also noted that “With the hotels only being at 15% or 20 % capacity, I figured it was an unprecedented opportunity to use these locations for these photoshoots. So the two goals of the photoshoot were to raise money for front-line workers and to be able to create opportunities for collaboration and promotion for as many artists, businesses, models, and people within that creative fashion industry as possible. We’ve been depicting A Night Out and trying to show what front-line workers are working so hard for us. It’s about spending time with loved ones, having fun, celebrating, and socializing. ”

He adds, “One of the things people have been missing is that sort of glitzy, glamorous side of things. People have been stuck inside for so long; they forgot that a world of excitement even exists. To be able to tease that reality a little bit, I think people will enjoy being transported to that night out when they read this book.”
Putting the photoshoots together had some challenges. As Haber recalls, “With Covid-19, one of the biggest challenges was ensuring that there was going to be the necessary precautions in place to make sure that everybody was safe. Once we communicated with the artists that this was going to be an opportunity to share their work with others; at the same time, do something for a good cause, everybody was on board and very excited about the project.”

Toronto is known for its luxury hotels, so Haber had lots to choose from for the photoshoots. Haber explains how he narrowed it down. “The goal was really to select the ten finest hotels in Toronto. I went about doing that based on a few different criteria. First, they are all 5-star hotels and have all been ranked as one of the top five or ten hotels in the city by numerous travel agencies and articles in publications. The other factor that went into selecting the hotels that made the project a little bit unique was looking for one unique aspect or differentiating factor to pull out of each hotel. We did that by styling the shoot in a way that was drawing on each hotel’s unique themes. For example, the Westin Harbourfront Hotel is located by the water. It has many design aspects that reflect its location so that there is a lot of blues and teals and wavy lines that reflect its location by the water. We incorporated a lot of those design elements into styling the shoot. A lot of those hotels also have different eras that they lend themselves to. ”

As a photographer, seeing this project from beginning to end is something Haber is very proud of. “It’s definitely one of the biggest projects that I’ve taken on. It’s sort of my baby. And to see it from conception to heading towards the finish line, it’s been an amazing process to sink my teeth into. I think from being able to go from having a concept in my head to seeing that materialize at the same time and being able to do something good is deeply satisfying. I hope that I can definitely take on more projects like this in the future.”

In terms of his own ideal night out, Haber is reflective. “I think for me, one of the biggest things I miss is being able to spend time with my friends. And however much these photoshoots represent sort of glamorous nights out, or evenings on the town…one of the biggest things I miss is being able to relax and spend the night with a few of my buddies watching a sports game or even going to a Raptors game. I think those are the moments we might have cherished at the time. This pandemic has given us a chance to reflect on the moments that are the most important. I think what those moments represent in the end is spending time with loved ones and friends.”

Giving back is an essential part of Haber’s life. He states, “I have done a lot of work in the past with the organization, previously known as Free the Children, now known as WE Charity, Many of my formative teen years I was actively working with them, and just a few years ago I took a trip with them to Tanzania to help build a school which was really a fantastic experience. On the photography side, I’ve even worked with an organization called Lions Foundation of Canada, which works with training service dogs and dog guides on a few different campaigns to create promotional materials. (laughing) Working with puppies is far better than working with models. But yes, I definitely love being able to combine my passion for photography and my passion for helping people. When those two things come together, and you are able to make an impact, it’s all great. ”

In terms of future projects, Haber notes, “Another interesting area I’ve expanded into is working on personal birthday videos. I’ve recently made a birthday video for my grandfather, which featured the rest of our family, and that managed to get some views on Youtube. And people started getting in touch with me about making similar videos for their family members.
It’s an exciting new business area that I” ‘ve been exploring lately, and it might turn into something good.”
A Night Out” is available via and can be seen in the lobby or guest suites at several of the participating hotels.


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