Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Bata Shoe Museum exhibition ” Dressed to Impress” / 加拿大多倫多的巴塔鞋類博物館(Bata Shoe Museum)「Dressed to Impress」鞋展

Bata Shoe Museum exhibition ” Dressed to Impress” / 加拿大多倫多的巴塔鞋類博物館(Bata Shoe Museum)「Dressed to Impress」鞋展:

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The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada, is renowned for its eclectic collection of footwear. It offers a unique window into the culture and history of footwear from around the world. Its newest exhibition, “Dressed to Impress,” focuses on the 1980s when consumerism was hugely impacted by shopping malls, advertising, music, films and television (specifically MTV), and footwear became a form of expression.
Dressed to Impress” is designed to replicate a Galleria Mall circa 1980, with their stores including Pump it Up, Mainstream Rebels, Let’s Get Physical, Work Hard, Play Hard, and Dressed for Success. The other areas are mainstays of a mall with the Galleria Food Court and the Galleria Cinema Theatre playing clips from the classic eras, including classics like The Breakfast Club and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
It was a decade of experimentation, with bold colour choices and interesting footwear shapes having influences from Punk, New Wave, Preppy, self-help, materialism, getting super fit and above all, showing success.
It was a lot of fun and so much nostalgia seeing all of the famous footwear styles, many of which are still hugely popular today. The Nike’s Air Jordan, Converse Chuck Taylor high tops, Vans (worn by Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High), Adidas Superstars (popularized by hip-hop group Run-DMC), Gucci loafers, Sperry Top-Siders and western boots can be seen in the streets of the world.
The exhibition features footwear from designers Vivienne Westwood, Patrick Cox, Ralph Lauren, Maud Frizon, YSL, Andrea Pfister, Thierry Mugler, Calvin Klein, Givenchy, Charles Jourdan, Perry Ellis, Yohji Yamamoto, John Fluevog, and Susan Bennis/Warren Edwards.
Dressed to Impress runs from November 1, 2023- March 13, 2024.
Tickets are available Dressed To ImpressBata Shoe Museum

中文版 / Chinese version:

加拿大多倫多巴塔鞋類博物館Bata Shoe Museum)以其不拘一格的鞋類收藏而聞名,為了解世界各地的鞋類文化和歷史提供了一個獨特的窗口。其最新展覽Dressed to Impress」聚焦於 20 世紀 80 年代,當時消費主義受到購物中心、廣告、音樂、電影和電視(特別是 MTV)等等的巨大影響,而導致鞋類成為一種表達的形式。
「Dressed to Impress」旨在複製 1980 年左右的加樂利亞(Galleria) 購物中心,其中包括 Pump it Up、Mainstream Rebels、Let’s Get Physical、Work Hard、Play Hard 和 Dressed for Success 等商店。其他地區是購物中心的支柱, Galleria 美食廣場和Galleria 電影院播放經典時代的片段,包括《早餐俱樂部(The Breakfast Club)》和《里奇蒙特高中的放學時光(Fast Times at Ridgemont High)》等經典電影。
在經過漫長十餘年的實驗和研究後,巴塔鞋類博物館Bata Shoe Museum)以大膽的顏色選擇和有趣的鞋款形狀成功展示出受到龐克、新浪潮、預科生(學院風)、自助、唯物主義、超級合腳風影響的鞋款。
能在此看到所有著名的鞋款非常有趣並令人懷舊,其中許多鞋款至今仍然非常流行,如 Nike 的Air Jordan、匡威Converse Chuck Taylor 高筒鞋、Vans(西恩·潘(Sean Penn)
在《Fast Times at Ridgemont High(開放的美國學府)》中扮演傑夫·斯皮可利(Jeff Spicoli)所穿過的鞋款)、Adidas Superstars(因1980年代饒舌嘻哈樂團Run DMC最愛穿而廣受歡迎的鞋款)、Gucci 樂福鞋Sperry Top -Siders帆船鞋和西部靴子等至今都可以在世界各地的街頭看到。
展覽展示出設計師Vivienne Westwood、Patrick Cox、Ralph Lauren、Maud Frizon、YSL、Andrea Pfister、Thierry Mugler、Calvin Klein、Givenchy、Charles Jourdan、Perry Ellis、Yohji Yamamoto、John Fluevog 和Susan Bennis/ Edwards Edwards 的鞋履
Dressed to Impress 活動將於 2023 年 11 月 1 日至 2024 年 3 月 13 日舉行。
門票已開始發售,欲購買「Dressed to Impress」門票請至巴塔鞋博物館官網購買。


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