“Build The Future” event by The Burgundy Brick Foundation (BBF) in support of Habitat for Humanity Toronto
On August 25, We attended the “Build The Future” event hosted by The Burgundy Brick Foundation (BBF) in support of Habitat for Humanity Toronto. We enjoyed a night eating delicious hors d’oeuvres, sipping glasses of STLTO Wine, and schmoozing with friends.
The Burgundy Brick Foundation (BBF) was established by a group of young people who believed in making a difference within Toronto and the GTA’s affordable housing community.
The Habitat for Humanity Toronto (HFHT) is a non-profit housing organization that helps low- income families to build a hopeful future by breaking the cycle of poverty through affordable homeownership.
For more information please visit:
Or our related post for the event: http://www.fashionecstasy.com/build-the-future/
wearing: Top Shop (Middle)
wearing: BCBG (Left), Alice & Olivia (Right)
wearing: (Left to Right) Private Boutique, Aidan-Mattox, Jimmy Choo Shoes
wearing ( Left to Right): Mendocino, Top-Shop, Missoni, Zara
wearing: Diane Von Furstenberg (Left), Michael Kors (Left2), Mendocino (Right 2), Dress from Italy (Right)
also visit out Facebook page for pictures:

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