Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Epic Cruises 2012 Summer Launch Party on River Gambler – June 8, 2012

Last week, I received a warm invitation from Evolution PR to join the summer launch party for Epic Cruises, on their newly renovated River Gambler– A 110-foot boat with the largest open deck dance floor on Toronto Harbour. I was both excited and anxious when I received the invitation. Excited because who wouldn’t want to go on a cruise party? Anxious because ever since my cruise trip in Greece, where I had to sit beside the washroom and breathe through a paper bag for a whole 3 hours, I have rejected all cruise parties due to my seasickness. This one however, just seemed like too much fun to turn down. I was glad with my final decision to go on board because I did not experience any discomfort at all! Props to the captain and his crew!

The boat welcomed us with a nice alcoholic punch, followed by non-stop appetizers. As the boat sailed away we enjoyed the spectacular view of the CN Tower and Toronto city skyline. We had the privilege to taste their new menu by Chef Jarrett Johnston. The food was amazing. My favourite was the ‘Roasted Pork Shoulder’ marinated with rosemary, thyme, garlic & paprika; and the ’Bouillabaisse’- a seafood stew with a kick. After having dinner, we went to the huge open deck and danced our night away.

A BIG thanks to Evolution PR and Epic Cruises for bringing us such a great night!
I will definitely book my next event with Epic Cruises, how about you?

More about Epic Cruises…
Epic Cruises is home to the River Gambler. They specialize in any kind of events on their boat venues and are devoted to bring us the most unique and ‘Epic’ party experiences.

For more information about Epic Cruises please visit:
Check out the pictures from the party:

Director Daina Ming-Sun tells us more about Epic Cruises:


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This entry was posted on June 12, 2012 by in Event, Food, Lifestyle and tagged , , , , , , , .

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