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Film Review – The Sniper Franchise Returns With New Release – Sniper: G.R.I.T. / 電影《狙擊手》系列《戰略陰謀:失控任務(Sniper Rogue Mission)》電影評價

Film Review – The Sniper Franchise Returns With New Release – Sniper: G.R.I.T. / 電影《狙擊手》系列《戰略陰謀:失控任務(Sniper Rogue Mission)》電影評價

(image courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment )

(欲看中文版請向下滑 / Please scroll down for the Chinese version)

Fans of the Sniper franchise ( which started in 1993) will be delighted to see the newest in this series of action-packed films, picking up where Sniper Rogue Mission (2022) left off. Sniper G.R.I.T. centres around the clandestine operations of a team of elite snipers known as the Global Response & Intelligence Team. These highly trained professionals are tasked with executing dangerous missions all over the world. Written and directed by Oliver Thompson, Sniper G.R.I.T. is a high-stakes rollercoaster ride of action and drama (with a few comedic moments thrown in ). The newly-formed G.R.I.T. team, led by Colonel Gabriel Stone (Dennis Haysbert) and includes Ace Sniper Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins), Zeke “Zero” Rosenberg (Ryan Robbins) and “Intel” Pete (Josh Brener), head to Malta to free kidnapped agent Yuki “Lady Death” Mifune (Luna Fujimoto). “Lady Death” was sent on a mission to Malta to assassinate the leader of the State of Aragon, Ivan Bubalo (Paul Kissaun) and instead had gone missing. Upon learning that she is still alive, the team sets out to free her, take down the terrorist cell “State of Aragon,” which includes Bubalo and his elite squad, and save the world from this global threat.

The film has many exciting moments, lots of high-stakes action, and sniper sequences. It was a real treat to see the return of these beloved characters, and the chemistry between them makes this film even more enjoyable to watch.

Sniper Global Response & Intelligence Team” delivers a compelling sniper saga that will appeal to both existing Sniper fans and make new ones as well.

SNIPER G.R.I.T. is available on Vudu, Apple T.V. and Amazon Prime Video.

中文版 / Chinese version:

電影《狙擊手》系列(始於 1993 年)的粉絲們將會很高興看到這一系列動感十足的電影最新作品:《戰略陰謀:失控任務(Sniper Rogue Mission)》(2022 年)的續作。狙擊手 G.R.I.T.圍繞著一支被稱為「全球回報與情報小組」的精英狙擊手小組的秘密行動。這些訓練有素的專業人員負責在世界各地執行危險的任務。由《狙擊手 G.R.I.T奧利佛·湯普森Oliver Thompson)編劇並執導。該影作是一場充滿動作和戲劇的高風險雲霄飛車(其中亦包含一些喜劇時刻)。新成立的 G.R.I.T.由加布里埃爾·斯通(Gabriel Stone)上校(丹尼斯·海斯伯特Dennis Haysbert飾)率領的團隊,成員包括王牌狙擊手布蘭登·貝克特Brandon Beckett(Chad Michael Collins查德邁克爾柯林斯飾)、澤克「零」羅森伯格Zeke “Zero” Rosenberg(雷恩羅賓斯Ryan Robbins飾)和情報員皮特Pete(喬許·布雷納Josh Brener飾),前往馬爾他解救被綁架的特務由「死亡女士」(盧娜·藤本靜Luna Fujimoto飾)。 「死亡女士」被派往馬爾他執行暗殺亞拉岡領導人伊凡·布巴洛(Ivan Bubalo)(Paul Kissaun飾)的任務,但卻失蹤了。在得知她還活著後,團隊開始營救她,摧毀包括布巴洛和他的精英小隊在內的恐怖組織「阿拉貢國」,並拯救世界免受這一全球性威脅。



戰略陰謀:失控任務(英語:Sniper: Rogue Mission)》可在 VuduApple T.VAmazon Prime Video 上觀看。


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