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MR. JIMMY Led Zeppelin Revival – Live at Kobayashi Hall

MR. JIMMY Led Zeppelin Revival – Live at Kobayashi Hall (August 8-11, 2024)

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**Disclosure:** I was invited to attend MR. JIMMY – Live at Kobayashi Hall in exchange for event coverage. All opinions here are my own.

To all other media outlets that declined an invitation to the MR. JIMMY Led Zeppelin Revival concert series:
  1. They are not a tribute band. I have no hate toward tribute acts, but this band and their shows are in a league of their own.
  2. You missed out on watching Rock and Roll history being recreated right before you.
Mr. Jimmy and his band, MR. JIMMY Led Zeppelin Revival was sensational! This internationally acclaimed revivalist band made a stellar Canadian debut with a four-night stay at Kobayashi Hall on August 8th-11th. Presented by the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), their shows were faithful recreations of Led Zeppelin’s historic 1973 three-night stand at New York’s Madison Square Garden—the same three-night shows featured in the concert film The Song Remains the Same and soundtrack album of the same name.

The band features AkioMr. JimmySakurai (lead guitar), August Young (vocals), Alexis Angel (bass guitar and keyboards), and George Fludas (drums). Everything from
the peerless musicianship to the vintage equipment, lighting, and fog effects — not a detail was spared
in producing these epic concerts! This was the ultimate immersive Led Zeppelin experience. Proceeds from the shows benefitted the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

Below are some highlights from their performance on Saturday, August 10th:

Pre-show entertainment and a Tour of the Equipment

We were treated to a drumming performance from Kyowa Taiko. This was my first time watching a traditional kumi-daiko, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was powerful, visually

interesting, dynamic, and loud. I was seated close to the stage then, so I felt every beat and boom in my bones. It was awesome and visceral. Kyowa Taiko was such a joy to watch.

Chris Hope, President and Board Chair of the JCCC, gave the audience a tour of the stage gear. It was quite the feat that they managed to source and secure most of the complete authentic 1973 vintage equipment. It was a quick tour, but the information and backstories helped us appreciate all of the work that went into producing these concerts and amplified the crowd’s enthusiasm for the show.
I have one note to make about the pre-show reception. While it was awesome seeing Nihon no bīru on the Drinks menu, the two specialty cocktails made with Suntory whiskey: The Suntory Collins and The Suntory Sakura Blossom were too strong for my liking. I couldn’t finish my Suntory Sakura Blossom because the whiskey and cherry syrup taste was overpowering.

The Custom Stage Costumes

What sort of fashion and entertainment writer would I be if I didn’t mention the band’s custom-designed stage attire? Rie Nakahara, a Tokyo-based costume designer, masterfully created each article of clothing. Her craftsmanship, attention to detail, and styling were exquisite! She didn’t miss a single element in recreating the iconic stage outfits from the original concerts. She ensured every stitch, seam, and hem looked perfect before they went onstage.
Sitting so close to the stage, I got a better look at their stage attire. Mr. Jimmy looked godly in his ‘Cosmic’ outfit, complete with a gorgeous black jacket with red roses and gold stitching. He even wore the same silver Eye of Horus necklace Jimmy Page wore during the concert! A glamorous rock star from head to toe! August nailed Robert Plant’s trademark blue flared denim jeans, snakeskin boots, and blue cropped jacket. I wanted to see George decked out in a black t-shirt and custom sparkly headband à la John Bonham. However, I loved seeing the white Celtic yoke design pop against his red t-shirt. Were there sequins on it? From one detail-oriented fashionista to another, I must give Rie her flowers. The band looked and sounded incredible that night.

It’s Been a Long Time Since I Rock and Rolled

As soon as MR. JIMMY Led Zeppelin Revival took the stage; they embodied Led Zeppelin – the allure, the bravado, and the mesmerizing stage presence. The resemblance was pretty darn close. August hands-down embodied Robert Plant’s charisma and magnetism when he got onstage. When he sang the opening lines to “Rock and Roll,” we were collectively enraptured. At that moment, I entirely bought the MSG ’73 fantasy and wanted much more.

The performance was three uninterrupted hours of epic riffs, bone-shaking drums, and some fun improvisation thrown into the mix. They stayed true to the original setlist, a key detail in assuring we all get the ultimate and authentic Led Zeppelin experience. George wowed the audience with his twenty-minute drum solo. He went so balls-to-the-wall that we were surprised to see any surviving drums.

Since I’ve Been Loving You – Best Number in the Entire Show

The biggest highlight of my evening was their rendition of “Since I’ve Been Loving You.” They did justice to one of my top five favourite rock songs! August’s vocals were so explosive they should come with a warning label. He drove me wild whenever he arched his back, tossed his hair, and wailed his heart out. Alexis was simply sublime. His melodies were mesmerizing. Mr. Jimmy was fantastic from beginning to end. The energy shot through the roof when the lights turned soft blue, and Jimmy launched into this blues-rock masterpiece. I included a video so you can see his genius in action. While everyone gave the band a well-deserved standing ovation, my legs turned gelatinous, and I melted in my seat. It was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. It made my night!

Other Highlights from the Show

When he pulled out the iconic, dark-red, double-necked Gibson EDS -1275 for “Stairway to Heaven,” I knew we were in for another thrilling ride! It was one thing to see such a beastly guitar in person. To have one of the best guitarists today play it a few feet away from you? Legendary! There were so many other fun moments during the concert. Watching Mr. Jimmy toss his shredded cello bow into the crowd tickled me. And they received a total of four standing ovations — four!
While everyone stumbled out of the concert hall, I floated out of that room, blissed out after getting my mind and body rocked. At the time of writing, I’m still retrieving the pieces of my mind that were blown that night.

Meeting Yosh Inouye at the Post-show VIP Reception

I had a few minutes to kill before the reception, so I took a quick self-directed tour of the 5 Generations exhibition on permanent display inside the Moriyama Nikkei Heritage Centre (MNHC). While browsing through the artifacts and artwork, I saw Yosh Inouye out of the corner of my eye. At first, I wanted to make sure it was indeed him. I cautiously approached the room he was in for a better look. Indeed, it was him in that room, standing near the camera. At that moment, I remembered that a famous rock photographer was about to photograph me as part of my VIP perk. I couldn’t wait to introduce myself! But my nerves got the best of me, so I flashed my best smile and waved from a comfortable distance. It turned out that I was nervous over nothing as he was delightful and sweet to me. You should see the archival-quality photo Yosh took of me with the band. We looked gorgeous! Thank you for such a beautiful photo of us, Yosh. The same iconic photographer who shot many of Rush‘s iconic album covers, such as Hemispheres and A Farewell to Kings, shot a picture of me!

Don’t Miss Out: Watch the Documentary “MR. JIMMY”

If you’ve made it this far in the review:

  1. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
  2. Please check out the official trailer for MR. JIMMY. This documentary recently premiered at the Toronto Japanese Film Festival in 2023 to positive reviews. The film explores how his brief stint with the L.A. tribute band Led Zepagain was merely a stepping stone to founding Mr. Jimmy. This passion project fully showcased his complete mastery of Jimmy Page by capturing the distinctive energy of Led Zeppelin’s live shows. Here’s the movie to the trailer:

I was so glad to meet him and the band at the reception. It took a lot of willpower not to melt on the spot while praising their magical performance. Everyone in attendance felt their magic, and we loved it.

MR. JIMMY – Live at Kobayashi Hall: 10/10 & Would Highly Recommend

This show gave me everything I didn’t know I needed. It was an epic experience from beginning to end. Thanks again to the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre for hosting this incredible band. I recently discovered through my media contacts that Mr. Jimmy will return to Canada next year. When he does, hopefully, you’ll find me dancing in my front-row seat at one of his shows.


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