時尚高潮玩LG Ultimate洗衣間與超級名模 可可·羅恰相遇LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
As a fellow fashionista, I know the full importance of caring for my clothes as though I’m caring for the Crown Jewels inside of my closet. This is not to say that I have Monica Geller-level of cleanliness obsession. But, if I’m going to spend a significant amount of money on a high-quality dress, yes, I’m going to take every measure to keep that sucker clean! As a fashionista, I will do whatever I can to keep my clothes looking good so I can continue to look good.
LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
我視它為衣櫃裡的皇冠珠寶。但這並不是表示我有莫妮卡蓋勒(六人行)般的潔癖。 但如果要我花一大筆錢買一件高品質的衣服(是的,我會採取一切措施讓這一切發生! ),做為一名「時尚高潮」達人,我會竭盡所能,讓我的衣服保持良好狀態,這樣我才能繼續無時無刻呈現最佳狀態,漂漂亮亮見人。
- Imagine my surprise when I attended the LG Ultimate Laundry Room Tour and Trends Showcase on Thursday, November 1st, 2018. While the event listing revealed very little about the event itself, I went into the studio on that day with an open mind and excitement as I’m going to a laundry-fashion event. In the seven years that I have been working as an Events Journalist, this was a first for me. When the invited guests finally got to enter the studio space, it was walking into an Instagram-worthy laundry room! This laundry room had working washing machines in one end of the room, a washing machine that can operate on command with Amazon Alexa, and what could be described as a shaking closet you would find in The Jetsons’ home.
LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
可想而知,當我參加2018年11月1日(星期四)LG所舉辦的LG Ultimate Laundry Room Tour and Trends Showcase(中譯:LG終極洗衣房巡迴演出及服裝趨勢展示)時,我感到無比的興奮與驚喜。活動邀請函對活動本身似乎無法透露,所以我帶著開放的心態進入洗衣時尚活動場地。 身為活動記者工作的七年中,這還是我「洗衣房服裝秀」的初體驗。 被邀請的貴賓進入場地時,就如走進一間IG打卡的洗衣房! 這間洗衣房的一端擺著可以與亞馬遜同步連線指揮下操作的洗衣機,好比「杰森一家」中可以找到的衣櫃一樣。
- The party was catered by McEwan and featured some rather tasty finger foods and hors d’oeuvres. There was a living room in the corner that played a series of Wes Andersen-style commercials for the new LG Twin Wash system. Usually, the laundry room feels cold and forbidden, but the LG-One Canada team took what is traditionally seen as a cold and forbidden room and transformed it into a chic and inviting space.
該派對由McEwan設宴席,並供應了一些相當美味的吮指點心和開胃小菜。 角落有一間客廳,為新的LG Twin Wash系統播放一系列Wes Andersen(魏斯·安德森)風格的商業廣告。 一般的洗衣房會令人感到寒冷陌生,但LG-One Canada 將之變成一個別緻而溫馨的空間。
Super Model Coco Rocha Appearance加拿大國際超級名模Coco Rocha(可可·羅恰)現身
Before the show, we got to walk around, mingle, and check out the appliances. Coco Rocha, Canadian supermodel icon and author, was the host of the event. When I saw her for the first time, I quickly covered my mouth to suppress the fan girl scream that was nearly broke free. As the host of the event, Coco was so endearing and charming with her funny anecdotes of motherhood, family, and her life in New York City.
Super Model Coco Rocha (加拿大國際超級名模Coco Rocha(可可·羅恰))
Super Model Coco Rocha (加拿大國際超級名模Coco Rocha(可可·羅恰))
走秀前,我們閒逛、互相交流、觀看電器。加拿大國際超級名模Coco Rocha(可可·羅恰)是該活動的主持人。當我第一次看到她的時候, 摀住了嘴,就算下巴都要掉了,也壓制了內心超級粉絲女孩的尖叫聲。以活動主持人與身為母親的身分,Coco迷人的分享了她在紐約市及家庭生活 的趣事,魅力無限。
- Soon the event started, and it was thirty minutes of live demonstrations of the new innovative additions to the LG Appliance family. The LG Twin Wash™ (9000 series) and the LG Styler were the real stars of the show as Dave Oyagi, Brand Manager for LG Canada, sang the praises of the new LG washing and dryer machines and even included a skillful segue into a spiel from Jill MacKinnon and Jasmine Sodhi, representatives of the event’s co-sponsors Purex and Persil. They were in attendance to speak of their recent campaign, The Purex Odour-Free Hockey Shop, where brand ambassadors for Purex traveled to ten cities and gave away free used hockey equipment washed in their new Purex Odour Release. The campaign was also in promotion of Purex’s new status as the official laundry sponsor of the CHL.

Coco Rocha and David Oyagi
活動開始即是現場將LG Appliance系列亮相以及位貴賓做三十分鐘的現場展示說明。LG Twin Wash™雙能洗(蒸洗脫烘)滾筒洗衣機(9000系列)和LG Styler (智慧電子衣櫥)是該展場的真正焦點明星,LG Canada的品牌經理David Oyagi說明新的LG洗衣機和乾衣機的優點。該活動的共同贊助商Purex和Persil的代表Jill MacKinnon和Jasmine Sodhi也在場。他們在現場宣傳他們最近的活動策劃「The Purex Odour-Free Hockey Shop (The Purex無氣味曲棍球商店)」,Purex派品牌大使到十個城市,免費贈送使用他們的新Purex除臭系列洗滌過的二手曲棍球設備。該活動也同時宣傳Purex為CHL (加拿大國家冰球聯盟)官方洗衣贊助商的新身份。
- It was a fast-paced event that also featured runway models sporting winter coats, athleisure wear, and cocktail attire to show off the Twin Wash’s spaciousness of the machines as well as its capabilities to wash even the thickest and heaviest of garments. Watching the LG Styler use steam and a shaking motion to refresh, sanitize, deodorize, and gently dry your clothes was like having a built-in dry cleaner inside your own home. This futuristic-looking closet even included a pants crease care feature where you can keep your dress slacks looking fresh, crisp, and odour-free.
LG Ultimate Laundry room photopooth
LG Ultimate Laundry Room with Super Model Coco Rocha
活動節奏甚快,還有冬季大衣,運動休閒裝和雞尾酒裝的服裝秀,來展示Twin Wash的寬敞機器,以及洗滌厚、重的衣物的能力。
LG Styler僅僅使用蒸汽和搖晃動來刷新、消毒、除臭和輕微抖乾衣服,完全不傷衣物,彷如家中內置的一間乾洗店。這個具有未來主義風格的衣櫃,甚至還包括褲子摺痕護理功能,可以保持你的衣褲清新、清爽、無異味。
- This kicked off a lively discussion of how the Styler is excellent for cleaning and caring for denim, all the while maintaining the fabric’s quality. Caring for your denim jeans, in particular, is somewhat of a hot topic in the fashion world. There have been many different tips, tricks, and methods that range from adding white vinegar to the wash to throwing your jeans in a freezer, all with the sole purpose of keeping the jeans looking new and fitting like a glove.
One of the best things about the LG Styler, along with its slim and compact size, is that the Styler’s uses TrueSteam™ technology to release odours and kill bacteria in the jeans and the moving hanger works to remove wrinkles. While these tips have their place—except throwing jeans in the freezer as that’s just gross and lazy.
(the LG Styler can definitely become a fashion lover’s new best friend when it comes to saving time and money on dry cleaners, as that will be time and money better spent on buying new clothes.
除了體積小、不佔空間外,LG Styler 的最大優點在於它所使用的 TrueSteam™技術不但能除臭,還能殺死牛仔褲中的細菌。此外,它的移動衣架可消除皺褶。這些技術與技巧都是有根據的,把牛仔褲丟進在冰箱裡顯然是噁心及懶惰的方 法。
LG Styler絕對可以成為FASHION美眉的新麻吉,因為它幫美眉節省下送衣到乾洗店的時間和金錢,省下的錢可以當新的治裝費了!
- Other highlights of the event included more live demonstrations of the washing machines led by Travis Thompson, the Head Trainer for LG Electronics Canada. He showed everyone how to use your smartphone to start a wash cycle and send you a notification that your laundry is done. The machine’s social media features might be considered a bit much for some people, though. But if you’re the kind of person who wants to let their Instagram followers know that your gentle cycle is complete, then do you and consider getting one of these LG appliances.
這次活動的其他重點包括由加拿大LG電子公司負責人Travis Thompson領導的洗衣機現場演示。 他向大家展示如何使用智慧手機,操縱洗滌時間,並接收洗衣服務通知。 該機器的社交媒體功能顛覆了傳統,對某些人來說,可能有點太OVER了。 但是,如果你是那種喜歡跟粉絲互動的超級網紅、網帥,並想讓你的IG粉絲知道你的「柔洗」時間已經完成的人,你可以認真考慮購買這些LG設備。
- At the end of the showcase, all of the invited guests got to take home an LG canvas laundry bag and a basket filled with a year’s supply of laundry detergent, fabric softener, and other fancy laundry products that makes your cherished clothes look and smell amazing.
Photo credit: @visualbass
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