Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Queen Street 501 Cider Launches on A 1951 Vintage TTC Streetcar

Brickworks Ciderhouse, founded by Chris Noll and Adam Gerrits, launched its new Queen Street 501 Cider in an innovative way.

Starting from Betty’s pub, guests boarded a 1951 Vintage TTC Toronto streetcar and a regular streetcar, not knowing what to expect.

Once on board, everyone enjoyed Fancy Franks tasty hotdogs while listening to a jazz trio play classic tunes like “When The Saints Go Marching In“.

The energetic crowd happily sang along and waved to onlookers on the street.

The streetcars travelled the 501 route along Queen St.
The ride ended at the Firkin on King, with an after-party, which featured more opportunities to try Queen Street 501 Cider
The Queen Street 501 Cider is made in the Toronto area using 100% Ontario grown apples.

It has a semi- sweet and refreshing taste and is very enjoyable. And, is a great alternative to beer.

(photos by Tanya)


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