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先慨食記影片 / Watch our food vlog first:
前兩天暴龍隊擊敗勇士隊,替多倫多拿下24 年來NBA首座總冠軍,殘編心情超澎湃,但在台北找不到知心可以分享我心中的喜悅。在還沒抒發心中的情緒以前,我坐立難安,無法專心做任何事。復健時,我東張西望,心裡像有蝴蝶在飛一樣浮浮沉沉,無法專心。猛然察覺到自己的狀況,就乾脆提早結束復健,好好的去吃一頓大餐,免得事倍功半兩頭輸。
Raptors wins its first NBA championship in Toronto. #WetheNorth are now #wetheChamps baby! I had so much excitement in my heart, but sadly, no one to share it with in Taipei. I found myself unable o concentrate before letting my emotions out. I tossed and turned during therapy, unable to concentrate on my exercise. There were butterflies in my stomach, my heart felt like it was floating. As soon as I realized my therapy was going nowhere before I do something about my emotions, I simply left the hospital early to deal with it. I decided to go for a good meal. After all, good food cures everything.;P
鍋&Bar 精緻鍋物餐酒館餐廳環境/ Restaurant Environment:
鍋& Bar 的大窗戶給人心曠神怡的感覺,只有自然光,沒有破壞氣氛的瞎死人人工燈,保留剛好的氣氛,就好像初次約會得滿分的對象,自然不做作。鍋&Bar 用餐區除了沙發座,其他的座位也是有椅背跟沙發座墊的椅子,像殘編一樣的骨頭屁屁一樣可以久坐不怕痛,椅背更可以防止跟殘編一樣平衡感較差的人往後摔個四腳朝天、大露阿嬤內褲、搞僵氣氛的尷尬場面(不好笑喔!)。
A hot pot joint usually has a fast-pace and noisy atmosphere with people coming and going constantly, and artificial lighting bright enough to kill the mood and even blind the guests. Guo & Bar only has natural lights coming in from its large windows, keeping the perfect atmosphere like a quality first date: natural and not overly pretentious or fake. The dining area features tables with couch seats and chairs. All chairs are also equipped with enough cushioning so a bony ass like me can sit for long hours. Chair backs also prevent me from that awkward moment when I (or a person with poor balance)
fall over and flashes everybody. It’s happened before (not funny!).
鍋&Bar精緻鍋物餐酒館 吧檯區
(Guo & Bar Restaurant’s Bar Area
The left side of the restaurant is a semi-separate bar area featuring pink neon lights creating a more romantic atmosphere. This area also features window tables for people (street) watching, suitable for dates and loners. If these aren’t enough, the following will blow your mind: Almost every table has its own outlet for Nomophobia patients’ like me. My best friend is my cellphone, and I need to make sure it eats first and enough.
看影片有多少插座!/ Watch how many outlets we spotted in the video:
The left side of the restaurant is a semi-separate bar area featuring pink neon lights creating a more romantic atmosphere. This area also features window tables for people (street) watching, suitable for dates and loners. If these aren’t enough, the following will blow your mind: Almost every table has its own outlet for Nomophobia patients’ like me. My best friend is my cellphone, and I need to make sure it eats first and enough.
鍋&Bar精緻鍋物餐酒館廁所/ Guo & Bar Washroom:
(Guo & Bar Washroom)
也許是因為殘編用餐時間比一般人早,但是鍋&Bar 的廁所更是一般餐廳做不到、無可挑剔的乾淨,我只能用一句英文說:「Spotless」!
Maybe it is because of my early schedule, but the restroom is “Spotless.”
鍋& Bar菜單Menù / Guo & Bar Menu:
(湯底/ Soup base):
湯底/ Soup base:
鍋&Bar的湯底用天然辛香料跟嚴選食材費時熬煮,有「老火湯」、「麻辣湯」、或「昆布湯」。「老火湯」是用家鄉肉跟老母雞一起燉煮。用餐的饕客先選湯,一鍋可以選到兩種。 因為考慮到鍋&Bar 的海鮮套餐看起來很厲害,於是我們就選了比較不會搶海鮮味的「昆布鍋」。
The soup base determines whether a hot pot is good or not.Guo & Bar‘s soup base is prepared with natural spices selected ingredients. There are 3 options to choose from: “Chicken Pot,” “Spicy pot,” or “Kelp Pot.” “Chicken pot is prepared with meat & chicken. Diners can choose up to 2 soup bases. Since the seafood set looks crazy delicious, we chose the “Kelp pot,” which is less likely to destroy the seafood’s natural flavours.
Guo & Bar‘s menu features alcoholic drinks like wine, beer, and cocktails; as well as non-alcoholic mocktails & juices. Guests set their own drinking mood.
鍋&Bar 菜單有分單點跟套餐,套餐附蔬菜盤,白飯、醬料無限享用。因為套餐類的擺盤實在太利害,我們就選擇點套餐。滿低消($500)即附贈泰國「明果(Mingo)」餐後頂級冰淇淋,口味包括芒果、榴槤等熱帶水果。
Guo & Bar‘s food menu includes “a la carte” and set menus. Set menus come with an assorted vegetable plate, all-you-can-eat rice and sauce. We opted for a set menu because they look irresistible. Minimum order is $500nt and comes with “Mingo” ice cream from Thailand, which includes tropical fruits flavours such as mango and durian.
Our “Shrimps Set Meal for Two Persons ” ($1588NT) includes six types of shrimps & prawns, all of them are fresh. The set meal also includes 2 meat plates from 4 options: “streaky pork,” “pork shoulder butt,” “marbled beef,” or “beef short plate.” We chose “pork shoulder butt” and “marbled beef,” each plate is 200g in weight. The chef slices the meat to order in the open kitchen. The process is clean and transparent.
Guo & Bar may not be a buffet-style restaurant, but the portion can definitely fill you up. The veggie plate is super large, and the beef slices are much thicker than the usual hot pot sliced-meat. The shrimps & prawns plate is presented with dry -ice like a royal wedding, “smoking!” (Watch the video above!) All shrimps and prawns are fresh with no signs of “decapitation.”
Other set-menus that are tempting include: “Boston lobster set” ($2388), “American Wagyu Beef Set for 2 Persons “($2888), “Golden Crab Set Menu for 2 Persons” ($2688 NT), and the “Seafood Paradise” ($6888) with variety of seafood including shrimps/prawns, shellfish, and abalone. I can’t wait to revisit Guo & Bar!
鍋&Bar精緻鍋物餐酒館詳情 / Guo & Bar Information:
營業時間/ Hours:11:30~24:00
店址/ Address:台北市大安區敦化南路一段270巷21號1樓(近仁愛圓環/忠孝復興站出口13)
106, Taipei City, Da’an District,No.21, Lane 270, Section 1, Dunhua South Road,
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