Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Summer Cocktail Recipe – Dark N’ Stormy Made with Chic Choc Spiced Rum

Summer Cocktail Recipe: Dark N’ Stormy Made with Chic Choc Spiced Rum

Summer is finally here and what’s more enjoyable than sitting on a patio with a nice summer cocktail in hand?
The first ever Canadian spiced rum-Chic Choc has officially made its way to LCBO and here’s one easy recipe to keep you cool through the season.

Dark ‘N’ Stormy

Chic Choc Spiced Rum 2

• 45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) Chic Choc Spiced Rum
• 60 ml (2 oz.) ginger ale
• 15 ml (1/2 oz.) lemon juice
• 1 lemon twist
• Ice cubes
1. Fill a glass with ice cubes.
2. Add Chic Choc Spiced Rum, ginger ale and lemon juice.
3. Garnish with lemon twist.

Alternatively, Chic Choc Spiced Rum is rich enough in flavour to be enjoyed alone.

Made with six indigenous spices harvest in Quebec’s rugged Chic Choc Mountains, Chic Choc Spiced Rum delivers notes of ginger, cinnamon, and Nordic spices with a round and full-bodied texture on the palate.

Chic Choc Spiced Rum is available at the LCBO for $33.95 (750 ml).



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