The Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) hosted its first annual Lucid Dreams Fashion Show on April 6-7, 2023, featuring psychedelic art and fashion on the runway. The event was a collaboration between FSN706 and FSN610 students and showcased the rich culture and history of the Caribbean Carnival.
The media preview held on April 6 highlighted 14 carnival costumes, with the standout piece being a gold jumpsuit inspired by Oshun, a river goddess from West Africa. The event focused on sustainability, with several costumes featuring repurposed materials like playing cards and upcycled beads.
The event was emceed by Fashion Communications student Zach Elliott, who thanked sponsors Daydream Drinks and EVRY JEWELS, providing guests with 15% off coupon codes. Candice Dixon, TMU professor and founder of SUGACAYNE, encouraged students to be innovative with their designs and to let the clothes tell the story.
One potential area for improvement is the seating arrangement, as attendees needed to stretch their necks beyond the shoulders of other guests to see the fashions clearly.
Overall, the Lucid Dreams Fashion Show was a success, with attendees congratulating the student designers and taking pictures with the models. The show highlighted the importance of storytelling in fashion design, and the event’s immersive experience left attendees excited for next year’s show.
A cavalcade of masqueraders marched their way to the Liberty Grand in striking costumes for the Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival Gala Toronto 2013 in honor of the Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival’s 46th … Continue reading