Tag archives for myth


殘編在家自己烤肉過今年中秋 / Chinese Moon Festival BBQ at Home and an Introduction to the holiday’s traditions, activities and stories

Happy Chinese Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival) holiday! This is how we spent our holiday, watch our Youtube video first / 先看時尚高潮中秋節烤在家烤肉YT影片: 中秋節快樂!今年四天的連假想必大家都大放縱吧!? 以往年輕的殘編在每年中秋節都會跟朋友露天烤肉,然後故意遲到個一個小時,到場時男生都已經把食材烤好,我就可以直接開吃了(不要罵我,只要是女孩兒都嘛這樣好嗎?) 今年的殘編已經到了重視家人過於朋友的年紀,所以今年就買電磁烤盤在家自己烤,又快又健康(其實是沒朋友) Chinese Moon Festival Day is an…
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時尚高潮旅遊記 – 沙烏地最大的紅沙漠 – 述說著阿拉伯歷史上最早的梁祝式愛情故事的觀光旅遊景點 /Fashion Ecstasy Travel Blog – Travel to the Biggest and Most Romantic Golden Desert, Saudi Arabia

時尚高潮旅遊記 - 沙烏地最大的紅沙漠 - 述說著阿拉伯歷史上最早的梁祝式愛情故事的觀光旅遊景點 /Fashion Ecstasy Travel Blog - Travel to the Biggest and Most Romantic Golden Desert, Saudi Arabia (英譯:殘編 / English translation by Tanya) (Scroll down for…
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掀開霧娘面紗的阿卜哈 – 沙烏地霧城之旅 / A Journey to the City of Fogs and Lover of Clouds – Abha

掀開霧娘面紗的阿卜哈 - 沙烏地霧城之旅 / A Journey to the City of Fogs and Lover of Clouds - Abha (translation by Tanya 英譯:殘編) (Scroll down for English / 英文版向下看) 掀開霧娘面紗的阿卜哈沙烏地霧成之旅遊記 / A…
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