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Tag Archives: spanish

“The Central America Travel RoadShow – “The Americas 2021”- Introducing All The Travel Destinations After the Pandemic

“The Central America Travel RoadShow – “The Americas 2021”- Introducing All The Travel Destinations After the Pandemic / 「The Americas 2021」中美洲旅展- 介紹疫情過後所有中美洲必踩點的觀光景點

November 6, 2021 · Leave a Comment

0 Failure Rate Basque Burnt Cheesecake Easy Recipe for Mother’s Day Handicap Achievable! / 母親節超簡單零失敗率手作巴斯克乳酪起司蛋糕 – 殘編殘障單手也能做!

0 Failure Rate Basque Burnt Cheesecake Easy Recipe for Mother’s Day Handicap Achievable! / 母親節超簡單零失敗率手作巴斯克乳酪起司蛋糕 – 殘編殘障單手也能做!

May 10, 2021 · Leave a Comment


隨意鳥窩西班牙餐廳。三芝的好山好水打造異國用餐情境 (Please scroll down for English version/ 英文版向下看) 殘編走過45個國家,造訪過上百座城市,其中歐洲城市佔50多座。歐洲面積超果ㄜ十八餘萬平方公里。殘編在手腳健全且過動時期,即是耗費一年以上的時間都還未能走透透。西班牙一直都是我心中的最愛,西班牙不但有我所仰慕的現代建築藝術大師高第、讓我發現逗趣舞棍阿伯的靈感來源,還有嚐不盡的佳餚美酒。殊不知,原來隱藏在北海岸三芝的山好水好水的環境下,也能找到西班牙私廚料理!先看影片: English/英文:Having travelled across 45 countries and visited hundreds of cities, in which European cities accounts for over 50 of them . … Continue reading

January 6, 2019 · Leave a Comment