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(for English version, please scroll down to the bottom!)
我是個嚴重的中風病患,兩年前的三十歲中風,醫生宣判我今生殘障。當然,我不因此放棄,繼續嘗試各種治療。 黃金期我的身體恢復的迅速,不過半年前至今,我幾乎毫無進展。我從小手腳冰冷,醫生說血液循環不佳,恢復也可能因此受影響。
最近我的推拿師推薦我上蝦皮購物找一家”薑絨之家”的產品叫(沐薑)來使用:台灣自產的天然薑包。這薑包完全無添加物無加糖,原始樣貌(如圖)。之前台灣被黑心企業集團營造了“食不安”的國恥形象,因此對於成分斤斤計較的我, 看到天然無添加的成分就像挖到寶一樣,當然要物盡其用啦!除了泡茶外我還拿來泡咖啡,也拿來泡腳泡澡。我本來就不怕薑味,不過放進咖啡濾泡出來的咖啡我是覺得有點辣。
English Version:
Chinese medicine has long crowned ginger as one of its most important and widely used ingredients in its recipes because of its awesome healing powers and multitudes of health benefits.
As you may or may or may not know, I’m a stroke survivor, one who’s suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke by the age of thirty, and is sentenced to forever handicapped, most likely. The physicians advised me not to get my hopes up, but I am still trying. It’s been a year and a half since my injury and I’ve never given up therapy for a single day. I improved a lot during the first 6 months but my recovery has been on hiatus for quite a long time. Doctors suggest that it could be due to poor blood circulation after feeling my hands.
In the past, I’ve always had cold feet and hands., that indicates poor blood circulation. In Chinese medicine, Blood circulation is a key to getting everything in your body to work right, like a power plug. I was raised in Canada so I only believe in science and facts. Chinese medicine is always just for reference to me.
Due to desperation for recovery, I’ve tried various health products to try to get my GD corpse moving. Most of the
overpriced and so-called “health products” piss me off when I look at their ingredients. “Sugar, sucrose, and whatever-“ose.”
How does a product label themself as a “health product” with so many additives?
I’ve recently found a ginger product on Shopee with pure ginger ingredients and no additives. That’s almost unseen of in this country where even big brands and corporation businesses kill their consumers with chemicals and fake-everything in order to gain more profits. I make the most of this pot of gold and start to incorporate this ginger in my daily routine.
Many find the taste of Ginger and other natural ingredients unacceptable but I was never one of them. I’ve always preferred bitterness or spicy over sweet or whatever chemical flavors that’ll later give you cardiovascular diseases or cancer. I find the taste a bit strong when I add it to my coffee but the tea however tastes incredibly refreshing and natural and completely acceptable like any other herbal tea.
To improve my blood circulation I’ve tried numerous medication and health products from Trental Dagree (Pentoxifylline) to Chinese medicine, but ended up with poor results. I wasn’t getting my hopes up for ginger but thought I’d try anyway since there are
no additives. My corpse-like hand warms up in an hour after drinking the tea when I first started to drink the tea. It’s been 2 weeks now since I started to drink ginger tea on a daily basis and now it only takes about 20 minutes for my ice-cold fingers to start acting human again. I also take foot baths with it but my feet seem to be more stubborn. I’m
yet to try a ginger bath but I’m kind of a “dirty clean freak” and I haven’t scrubbed my bathtub with 75%
alcohol disinfectant yet. I’ll share more once I get that done. Stay tuned!
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