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(photo credit: Ramona Vizitiu)
On Saturday, November 30th, Fashion Ecstasy had the pleasure of attending the third annual Toronto Kids Fashion Week. As the global platform dedicated to the celebration of children’s fashion, Toronto Kids Fashion Week is the fashion event that brings the world of fashion directly to children. A glamorous fashion show kicked off this sold-out event where adorable child models strutted down the runway, wearing the S/S 2020 collections from top fashion designers and established children’s clothing brands in Canada and around the world.
中文版 / Chinese version:
11月30日的星期六,時尚高潮榮幸受邀至第三屆年度多倫多兒童時裝週 2019(Toronto Kids Fashion Week)。做為全球慶祝兒童時尚的平台,Toronto Kids Fashion Week是將全球時尚直接帶給兒童的時尚盛會。一場光鮮亮麗的時裝秀為此滿場的活動展開了序幕。超可愛的童裝小模,穿上來自加拿大及全球2020的春夏系列的頂級童裝品牌上台走秀。
Upon arriving at Daniels Spectrum, huge crowds were forming inside the lounge to get inside the main auditorium. The space was festively decorated, and some attendees were checking out the My Mulan fantasy dance drama booth, the display of ride-on cars from Voltz Toys, and the Milk and Heels colouring station. There, children and adults alike had plenty of fun by colouring pages from the beautifully illustrated colouring/activity/storybook, Royal: My Vintage Dreams Colouring Book, created by Alicia Bucknor. The colouring bar was a huge hit with the attendees who loved the powerful positive affirmations that was paired with the charming images of castles, crowns, and princesses.
中文版 / Chinese version:
我們抵達Daniels Spectrum時,會場已有大批人群在場歡樂。該空間佈置充滿歡樂的聖誕季節氣氛,來賓分別參與大會所設的「My Mulan fantasy dance drama」劇場、「Voltz Toys」玩具車展以及「Milk and Heels」著色站等親子活動站所籌備的活動。成人跟孩子一起在Alicia Bucknor所創作的「Royal: My Vintage Dreams Colouring Book」著色書著色並從中獲得樂趣。此著色站因書中敘述童話故事般的城堡和公主劇情及其所引發的正面能量特別受歡迎。
As soon as everyone settled into the auditorium, the lights dimmed, and the fashion show was about to begin. The fashion show was undoubtedly entertaining as Shawn Byfield, the award-winning choreographer and the show’s emcee, encouraged everyone to cheer loudly for all 180 child models walking in the night’s show. “The more you cheer, the better they walk,” Shawn said as he opened the show. Shawn took the time to introduce the crowd to DJ Brandon Duke, the Guinness World Record holder for youngest DJ, and the charity partners for the night: The Make-A-Wish Foundation and The Jamaal Magloire Foundation.
中文版 / Chinese version:
等來賓都入場後,燈光就暗了,時裝秀也隨即開始。屢獲殊榮的編舞兼節目主持人Shawn Byfield的出場吸引在場所有人的注意。他的一句:「您越歡呼,他們走的就越好」鼓勵所有在場來賓為當晚走秀的180位兒童模特兒大聲熱情歡呼。 Shawn接著為來賓介紹當晚資歷不凡的音效大師,金氏世界紀錄最年輕的DJ Brandon Duke,以及當晚的慈善機構合作夥伴: 「Make-A-Wish Foundation」基金會和「Jamaal Magloire」基金會。
Dance Academy, 4EXTRME, and GFORCE, who were quarter-finalists on America’s Got Talent.
中文版 / Chinese version:
當晚還邀來了進入「美國達人秀」(America’s Got Talent)前4強的舞蹈團體Anne Marie Dance Academy、4EXTRME和GFORCE為現場熱舞炒熱氣氛。
All seven designers/brands presented collections that featured upcoming trends for spring/summer 2020. Highlights included the Moka Collection that featured a soft and sophisticated collection of formal children’s wear that had a colour palette of rose gold, blush pink, pastel yellow, and cream. Supreme Tamu, the gender-neutral and upcycled toddler clothing line, presented a playful mix of vibrant fabrics and dramatic prints that were accented by African print-inspired hair bows. The anti-bullying initiative/clothing brand, Kindluv, seeks to put an end to bullying by spreading messages of love and kindness through clothing. Child models for KindLuv walked the runway in black and white statement tees while holding placards printed with “Bullying Stops Here” and “Be Kind to Everyone.” Coyote Pretty ended their segment with a young boy model who drove a Ride-On Lamborghini down the runway, stepping out of the car wearing a cool animal print cardigan and dark blue jeans, and then posed in front of the cameras looking like the coolest kid in daycare.
中文版 / Chinese version:
所有七個設計師品牌均展示了自己最新的2020年年春夏系列。Moka Collection的柔軟、精緻正式童裝系列,呈現柔和的玫瑰金、粉紅、黃色和奶油色色調。 Supreme Tamu不分性別和環境友善的幼兒服裝系列,展示了充滿活力的面料和戲劇性印花的趣味搭配,加上使用非洲印花作為靈感的俏皮蝴蝶結。反霸凌倡議的服裝品牌Kindluv試圖從服裝中傳播愛與善的訊息,來制止兒童霸凌行為。 KindLuv的走秀中,童模身著黑白t恤,手持標有「霸凌在此結束」(”Bullying Stops Here”)和「以同理心待所有人」(”Be Kind to Everyone”)的標牌。Coyote Pretty的小男模開出小藍寶堅尼,身著動物印花開衫和深色牛仔褲帥氣下車,特結束了該品牌的秀。他在返回後台前還不忘大方地在相機前大擺POSE,讓自己看上去像托兒所中最帥氣的孩子。
thanked everyone for attending, and the rest of the event concluded with mingling and photo opportunities with the models and designers.
中文版 / Chinese version:
Crawford Boys在結束當晚時裝秀時,Shawn Byfield回台上向所有來賓致謝,接下來就是來賓、小模特兒和設計師的r相處和合影留念機會。
Founded in 2018, Toronto Kids Fashion Week is the semi-annual fashion week dedicated to celebrating kids fashion and featuring top kids fashion designers alongside some of the most iconic kidswear brands in Canada and around the world. To learn more about Toronto Kids Fashion Week, please visit their website at https://www.tkfw.ca/
中文版 / Chinese version:
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