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台北素食餐廳不難找,但是近年來盛行於歐美的純素食主義餐廳卻不好找。URBN Culture 是殘編留意很久的純素食餐廳/酒吧,前幾天終於跟美國朋友一起造訪。
英文版/English Version:
Vegetarian restaurants in Taipei are not hard to find, but vegan restaurants that have gained popularity in Europe and North America in recent years are not easy to find either. URBN Culture is a vegan restaurant/bar that has been on my radar for a long time. I finally had the chance to try it out with a friend from the States.
Watch our video first:
英文版/English Version:
Our server at URBN Culture speaks fluent English and introduces the menu in full-on English without any troubles. The restaurant reminds me of the Top English-friendly Shops I was hired to review by the Tainan City Government for the past two years. The menus are available in both Chinese and English, foreigners and tourists friendly. The menu uses nutrition-packed vegan superfood like Kale, tempeh, Quinoa, and chickpeas as ingredients.
英文版/English Version:
Vegetarians are categorized into many different types: Lacto-vegetarians, Lacto-Ovo vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians, and many more. Each of them follows different dietary restrictions. Among them all, veganism is the strictest. Veganism adopts a plant-based diet. Besides milk, eggs and their products, vegans do not eat animal-derived ingredients such as honey, or products that add animal products to filter impurities. In addition to health reasons, vegans maintain a strict diet to protect the environment and protect animals.
英文版/English Version:
Many beers add fish finings to the production process to filter impurities. The beers served at URBN Culture are all vegan unless noted otherwise on the menu. They truly respect their consumer’s choices and lifestyle.
餐廳樓下是吧台,牆邊也設有座位,最特別的是牆上ㄧ整片的彩色街頭藝術,讓人覺得這是一間有「態度」的店。外面還有可以享受陽光的室外露天座位。 服務生聽到我們講英文,就遞上英文菜單給我們參考,其實他們也有中文菜單。
英文版/English Version:
The first floor is a bar with high-table bar seats and regular low table seats. The wall is painted with colorful graffiti and street art with great “attitude.” There is a patio area for sunny days. We spoke English when we walked in, so our server hands us the English menu naturally, but they do also have a Chinese menu.
我們純粹是來嚐嚐純素食口味的,所以沒有點很多,我們點了「全植凱薩沙拉 」($320)、炸菠菜起司 ($180)跟純素漢堡 ($340)
英文版/English Version:
We merely came here to get a taste of veganism, so we didn’t order much. We ordered the Vegan Caesar Salad ($320), the Fried Wonton ($180), and the Vegan Homemade Burger ($340) with the choice of Spicy Mexican with guacamole and Jalapeno.
,綜合生菜上面鋪滿一層烤香料杏鮑菇片,裡面還有薯絲、蕃茄、黑橄欖。最特別的是這道沙拉是佐URBN Culture 用鷹嘴豆自製的「鷹嘴豆凱薩醬」,原始原味,吃得出健康優質蛋白質的感覺。
英文版/English Version:
Mixed lettuce is covered with a layer of grilled king oyster mushroom slices Potato shreds, sliced tomatoes, and black olives fill the bowl. The most unique thing is the “Chickpea dressing homemade by URBN Culture. It retains its original flavor and tastes healthy and provides high-quality protein.
(請看影片/Please watch video)
吃了蔬食就想要來一點犯規的,於是殘編點了「炸菠菜起司餛飩」(可以不加起司) 。 這道其實就是意大利的家常菜Ravioli 的餛飩版,內餡有菠菜跟Ricotta 起司,沾泰式酸辣醬、皮脆好吃。
英文版/English Version:
Having Vegan makes us want to order something with high-calories, so we try the Fried Wonton. An option of with or without cheese is available, we try it with. This is the crispy wonton version of Ravioli, It is stuffed with spinach and Ricotta cheese and spinach filling. It is served with Thai chutney. the skin is fried to perfect crispy and goes well with the sweet and sour sauce.
URBN Culture 自製的純素漢堡排加入 天貝、黑豆、亞麻仁子、糙米、藜麥、燕麥等超級高營養食材製成。他們的全植漢堡營養成分甚至比一般的5oz 的漢堡還要高上許多。口味也不比肉遜色。殘編平時不吃素,但是URBN Culture的純素食材能做出如此可口美味的餐點,就算大吃一頓,也覺得體內體外都在做環保,身心輕盈。
英文版/English Version:
URBN Culture‘s homemade vegan burgers are made with high-nutrition superfood ingredients such as tempe, black beans, flax, brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal. Their whole-plant burger is even more nutritious than a typical 5oz meat burger. The taste is no inferior either.I’m not vegetarian, but URBN Culture‘s vegan materials can make such delicious meals and make you feel good even after a big vegan meal!
URBN Culture Vegan純素食餐廳地址:
Urban Culture Vegan Restaurant Address:
No. 252, keelung Rd, Sec.2 Da an District, Taipei
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