Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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Yorkville Murals Festival 2020 Transforms Yorkville, Toronto, into a Public Art Gallery

Yorkville Murals Festival 2020 Transforms Yorkville, Toronto, into a Public Art Gallery! / Yorkville Murals Festival 2020街頭壁畫節將多倫多Yorkville區美化成公共藝術展

(中文版向下看 / scroll down for Chinese version)

(Chinese translation by Tanya / 中譯:殘編)

  • The second year of Yorkville Murals (a three day cultural festival based in Yorkville) brought together another group of talented artists who expressed their creativity and vision on public art.

中文版 / Chinese version:
第二屆的 Yorkville Murals壁畫節再度匯集一群才華洋溢的藝術家表達他們對公共藝術的創造力和遠見。Yorkville Murals壁畫節是年度舉辦的三天文化節。

New Artists at Yorkville Murals 2020 / 今年壁畫節的新畫家成員:

The 2019 artists included Mateo, Ola Volo, WIA, Getso, Peru143, Xray, Ben Johnston, and Risk. This year, Jason Botkin, Birdo, Kirsten McCrea, Jacqueline Comrie, Bruno Billio, Jarus, and Jin Ke Wang added their murals to the area. Walls, telephone boxes, and even a parking garage have been used to add some excitement and flavour to Yorkville.

中文版 / Chinese version:
去年2019年的藝術家、畫家包括MateoOla Volo、WIA、Getso、Peru143、Xray、Ben JohnstonRisk。 今年所增加的新藝術家包括:Jason Botkin、Birdo、Kirsten McCrea、Jacqueline Comrie、Bruno Billio、JarusJin Ke Wang,這些藝術家將創意做頻塗鴉在該區的牆壁、電話亭,甚至是停車場,讓多倫多的約Yorkville區域多了許多刺激和精彩風味。

Yorkville Murals Headquarters / Yorkville Murals壁畫節總部:

Yorkville Murals Festival 2020 / 多倫多 Yorkville Murals街頭壁畫節

Yorkville Murals Festival 2020 headquarters/ 多倫多 Yorkville Murals街頭壁畫節總部

The “headquarters” of the Yorkville Murals was in the courtyard of 99 Yorkville Ave, adjacent to Sofia, Tagliatella Galleries, and Spaces.
However, there are other spots to see the rest of the murals along Yorkville Ave, Old York Lane, the top of the parking garage at 154 Cumberland St,
Cumberland Park, and the Jesse Ketchum Park.

中文版 / Chinese version:
Yorkville Murals壁畫節的總部位於99 Yorkville Ave的中庭裡,毗鄰 SofiaTagliatella GalleriesSpaces.
除了以上所提及到的地點,其他景點也可以看到創意壁畫,訪客可以沿著Yorkville AveOld York Lane邊散步邊欣賞藝術品。154 Cumberland StCumberland ParkJesse Ketchum Park的頂樓停車場亦可賞作。

Events at Yorkville Murals 2020 / Yorkville Murals壁畫節 2020 所舉辦活動:

This year’s festival had a series of dinners with live music and art, a solo exhibition from 2019 contributor Ben Johnston at Taglialatella Galleries, an Art Talk also at Taglialatella Galleries, and a screening of the film “Underbelly” directed by Angus McLellan and Gabriel Carrer (along with a Q & A with both directors).

中文版 / Chinese version:
今年的壁畫節包括一系列現場音樂會和藝術晚宴,有2019年撰稿人Ben JohnstonTaglialatella Galleries舉辦的個展、在Taglialatella Galleries進行的藝術講座,以及由Angus McLellanGabriel Carrer所導演的紀錄片《 Underbelly》的放映會以及後續與兩位導演的的Q&A時間。

Guests Quench Their Thirst with Romeo’s Gin Cocktails / 訪客飲Romeo’s Gin 調酒消暑解渴

Romeo's Gin at Yorkville Murals 2020/ 訪客飲Romeo's Gin 調酒

Romeo’s Gin at Yorkville Murals 2020/ 訪客飲Romeo’s Gin 調酒

There were also plenty of Romeo’s Gin cocktails available during the festival. Guests sampled concoctions like “C-Horse” (Romeo’s Gin, lime juice, yuzu and rhubarb syrups, ginger beer, sumac and angostura bitters), “Summer in Peru” (Romeo’s Gin, Aperol, strawberry and elderflower syrup, lemon juice, prosecco, and bitters) and “Harvest Queen” (Romeo’s Gin, manzanilla sherry, strawberry and falermum syrup, lemon juice and bitters).

中文版 / Chinese version:
壁畫節期間還有用Romeo’s Gin琴酒作為基底所調出的各種創意調酒供來賓消暑解解渴。

The beauty of the festival is that the murals remain for a year so that Torontonians can enjoy viewing the art until the next group of artists add their works in August 2021.

中文版 / Chinese version:

The Art We Admire at Yorkville Murals 2020 / Yorkville Murals 2020壁畫節時尚高潮推薦作品:

Feel free to walk along Yorkville Avenue and admire the beautiful bird mural by Jarus painted on the Bell telephone box. Catch the “Queen of Colour,” Jacqueline Comrie‘s mural entitled “Forbidden Togetherness” at Cumberland Park. If one if feeling adventurous, head up to the rooftop parking level at 154 Cumberland Street. Birdo‘s “C-Horse” mural covers the entire rooftop parking level. Jason Botkin‘s mural, which he describes as “an interconnected series of plant, animal and insect life indigenous to Ontario, each of which has been deemed threatened or endangered,” can be found in the courtyard of 99 Yorkville Ave.

中文版 / Chinese version:
隨意沿著Yorkville Avenue走,過客可欣賞到Bell電話亭上塗有藝術家Jarus的美麗鳥壁畫作。 別錯過Cumberland Park Jacquelin Comrie的女王壁畫更是壯觀。 如果喜歡冒險,那就去154 Cumberland Street的頂樓停車場。 Birdo的「 C-Horse」畫作覆蓋了整個屋頂停車位。 Jason Botkin的壁畫被他描述為「安大略省土生土長的動植物和昆蟲的相互聯繫的系列,每一種都受到威脅或瀕臨絕種」,這作畫可以在99 Yorkville Ave的庭院中找到。

Yorkville Murals Festival 2020 adds colours and excitement to the city of Toronto; Torontonians will start walking more!

中文版 / Chinese version:
Yorkville Murals壁畫節給多倫多街頭增添不少賞心悅目的色彩,多倫多的居民將能享受多走路的樂趣。


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