Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

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8 Chefs, 2 Pigs at the Hogtown Throwdown Part Deux by The Group of Seven Chefs

Hogtown Throwdown Part Deux by The Group of Seven Chefs 

What do you get when you take eight outstanding chefs from Toronto and Montreal, two pigs and a bunch of hungry foodies?

You get Hogtown Throwdown Part Deux, held at Koerner Gardens at Evergreen Brickworks.

Pate en Croute by Chef Bertrand Alépée

Pate en Croute by Chef Bertrand Alépée

Toronto’s The Group of Seven Chefs members Matty Matheson of Parts & Labour, Scott Vivian of Beast and Bertrand Alépée of The Tempered ChefChris Brown of The Stop, along with The Montreal Rocksteady chefs Emma Cardarelli of Nora Grey, Charles-Antoine Crete of Toque, Derek Dammann of Maison Publique, and Antonio Park of Restaurant Park, all brought their “A” game to the Hogtown Throwdown.

The dishes reflected the chefs’ passion for combining unique flavours with every part of the pig. Diners had a chance to sample eight mouth-watering dishes: Maison Publique‘s Malaysian-style Pork and Melon, Beast‘s Grilled Pork Satay with Peanut Garlic Sauce, Nora Grey‘s Squid Ink Cavatelli with Lobster and Roasted Bacon, Parts & Labour‘s Roasted Pork with garnishes, Restaurant Park‘s Tapoyaki Balls (braised pork belly and pork loin) and Ssäm (braised pork loin, ham and belly) served with homemade Kimchi and crumbled pork skin, Toque‘s Pork Creton and The Tempered Chef‘s Pate en Croute (dough from pork and duck fat and pork jelly).

All of the dishes were washed down with spectacular South African Wines and beer (Hawaiian Style Pale Ale and Belgian Stout) from Toronto’s Spearhead Brewing Company.

Among the diners enjoying the Hogtown Throwdown were Zane Caplansky of Food Network’s Donut Showdown and Caplansky’s Deli, Jeff Stober of The Drake Hotel, and TV host Pay Chen.

Jeff Stober and Zane Caplansky

Jeff Stober and Zane Caplansky

(photos by Tanya)




For more information about the Hogtown Throwdown Part Deux and The Group of Seven Chefs, please visit: - 50 to 90 percent off everything


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