Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

RAW Material Architecture Bash at Planet Storage – Storage Locker 3202

We were given the invitation to attend RAW Design‘s 7th annual celebration entitled “RAW MATERIAL” at Planet Storage and we had no idea what to expect. A party at a storage locker? This was going to be very different.
RAW Material Architecture Bash at Planet Storage Locker 3202

We were extremely delighted when we arrived at the top floor to see the most incredible wood, brick, and metal installations featuring building materials from ML Lumber and Brampton Brick. It was deconstruction of the familiar into innovative design. The space had art murals and projections against the hanging wooden homes, and spiral type wooden staircases, so much to see and absorb.

Sublime Catering presented some tasty offerings including: curried chickpea and sweet potato crepes, jerk chicken and sweet potato crepes, Mongolian hot pot with beef, seafood and vegetarian combinations, smoked trout with horseradish, and freshly made ricotta cheese with berries and maple sugar.

Victoria Gin (handmade in BC) with the Fentimans tonic water and Twisted and Bitters (including black pepper, rosemary grapefruit and orange) was the perfect cocktail for the evening . Nickle Brook Breweries also offered their Head Stick and Green Apple beers. DJ Alex Merrell kept us moving while we enjoyed all of the sights.

Guests were from Toronto’s architecture and design community and included noted interior designer Glen Peloso.

(photos by Tanya)

RAW Material Architecture Bash at Planet StorageStorage Locker 3202


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This entry was posted on June 26, 2014 by in Architecture & Interior, Event and tagged , , , , , , , .

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