Fashion Ecstasy 時尚高潮

吃喝玩樂 Event – Fashion – Travel – Food – Luxury – Lifestyle

Diner En Blanc Toronto 2014 at The Ontario Place

Diner en Blanc, now in its third year in Toronto, was another magical night.
Guests who were lucky enough to receive this year’s invite were escorted by deluxe coaches to the secret location. This year, the annual all-white pop-up picnic party was held at the Echo Beach of Ontario Place, providing a beautiful backdrop of the Toronto City skyline.

Ballerina Diner En Blanc Toronto 2014

ballerinas dancing to the backdrop of Toronto City skyline

Ballerinas posed elegantly while attendees set up their own picnic tables.
Within an hour, the shores of Lake Ontario were filled with dapper gents and chic ladies, all dress to the nines. A few saw a chance to wear their wedding gowns for the second time.

Diner En Blanc Toronto 2014

guests arriving with their own picnic tables

Different from last year, for those who are culinarily challenged had the option to pre-purchase meals prepared by Chef Bradley, The Cheese Boutique, Ace Bakery, and many more. Wines were carefully selected by this year’s CFO Moez in collaboration with Charlies Burgers Wine Program.

sparklers Diner En Blanc Toronto 2014

guests with sparklers

Sparklers were lit, sky lanterns were released, guests dined and danced under the stars to continue the 25-year tradition.

See also:
Diner en Blanc Toronto 2013

(photos by Tanya)

Diner En Blanc Toronto 2014 at the Ontario Place


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This entry was posted on September 19, 2014 by in Arts, Theatre & Culture, Culture, Dance, Event, Fashion, Lifestyle and tagged , , , , , , , .

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